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Does amalgam cause permanent damage in all people exposed?

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12 Points on Mercury Toxicity   by #2853   18 year 3 of 3 (100%)

12 Points on Mercury Toxicity

An argument for removing mercury-laden silver dental Amalgam fillings


Written and compiled by
Dr. John Whitman Ray, B.A., N.D., D.Sc.
Motueka Natural Healing Centre
155 High Street P. 0. Box 60
Motueka, New Zealand

1. I have had the pleasure of testing several hundred patients and students in my field of Body Electronics with the Jerome Mercury Vapor Analyzer. I have found only two people in all my testing who have not evidenced a continual toxic exposure to mercury vapor emanating from silver Amalgam dental fillings under normal chewing compression.

2. Dentists have been educated to believe that once mercury has been combined into the filling material, it remains “locked in” and can’t come out. The sad fact is that there is absolutely no scientific research in existence to support this hypothesis. To the contrary., all evidence indicates that silver Amalgam containing approximately 50% mercury is a source of extreme toxic elemental mercury adversely affecting the health of the human body.

3. Evidence now demonstrates that surface particles of the amalgam filling material are being chemically broken down and released into the o~a1 cavity. These minute particles of mercury filling are acted upon by oral and intestinal bacteria to produce methyl mercury, an even more toxic form of mercury than elemental mercury with target areas being primarily the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and the brain.

4. It has been demonstrated that dissimilar metals in the mouth can also contribute to electrical activity and corrosion (much like a battery) and can result in unexplained pain, ulcerations, inflammation and disruption of corresponding meridians in the body.

5. The presence of mercury in dental amalgam fillings has been shown conclusively to adversely affect the body’s immune response. It has been shown that after amalgam removal the red and white blood cell levels tend to seek normal range with a corresponding increase in the body’s immune response as evidenced by T—lymphocyte count increase.

6. Research has indicated that mercury is the single most toxic metal that has been investigated, even more toxic than lead, cadmium or arsenic.

7. The International Conference on Biocompatibility of Materials was held in November 1988 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.A. Many of the world authorities on mercury and mercury toxicity met to discuss the issue of dental amalgam and other materials used in dentistry. Their official conclusion was drafted and signed which read: “Based on the known toxic potential of mercury and its documented release from dental amalgams, usage of mercury containing amalgam increases the health risk of the patients, the dentists and dental personnel.”

8. Autopsy studies from Sweden and Germany show a positive statistical correlation between the number of occiusal surfaces of dental amalgam and mercury levels in the brain and kidney cortex. It would be wise to point out that both elemental mercury and organic methyl mercury were found in brain tissue upon autopsy.

9. Dr. David Eggleston of the University of California, found a T—lymphocyte count of 47% (ideal levels are between 70—80%) in patients with silver amalgam fillings. After removal of the Amalgams the T—lymphocyte count rose to 73%.

10. Multiple sclerosis patients have been found to have 8 times higher levels of mercury in the cerebrospinal fluid compared to neurologically healthy controls. Inorganic mercury is capable of producing symptoms which are indistinguishable from those of multiple sclerosis.

11. It is the responsibility of every dentist and doctor to inform and educate their patients to the effect that:

a) Mercury is contained in most dental filling material and all silver amalgam material.

b) Mercury in fillings can have toxic effects on some persons. Manifestations of the disease of mercury poisoning only starts to become apparent three to ten years after the insertion of the mercury.

c) There are alternative materials that could be used on dental fillings that could have after effects on the individual.

d) The patient has the right to insist that an alternative material be used.

e) The freedom of individual choice in health care shall be inherently respected and preserved as an individual right and responsibility of free men everywhere.

12. One must remember that the diagnosis of mercury intoxication is extremely difficult to ascertain because of the insidious nature of the onset of symptoms and because of most physicians unfamiliarity or misinformation concerning proper testing techniques. Unfortunately, mercury is so toxic to the human organism that there can be cell death or irreversible chemical damage long before clinical observable symptoms appear indicating that something is wrong. Since organic mercury in some body tissues (e.g. brain) has a half life of over 25 years (i.e. it takes the body 25 years to get rid of ~ of a single dose of mercury under normal circumstances) it is only a matter of time and degree of exposure until some form of symptomology appears. With all this in mind we cannot fool with mercury toxicity or delay the “safe” removal of silver amalgam fillings by the hands of a knowledgeable and responsible dentist.

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If you want to get cured, then you'll have to get mercury out   by entrance_to_reality   19 year 2 of 3 (66%)

Mainstream medicine claims that mercury mine workers and Minamata villagers got permanently damaged by mercury, but that's not true. Those people were just chronically poisoned, which means that mercury was still inside their bodies doing damage. It's exactly the same story with you, and if you want to get cured, then you'll have to get mercury out. However, that's not as easy as it sounds. There are many different mercury detox treatments out there, but none of them actually work. Those treatments use many different kinds of supplements, medications, chelators, gadgets, diets.

But they're all ineffective and many of them are actually very dangerous. They can even kill you or leave you confined to wheelchair.

If you search the internet, you will find people who claim those detox treatments are helping them, but that's actually not true. The reason why those people are getting better is because they had their fillings removed. Like I said, many do get better after only removing dental amalgam. Because when they do that, the concentration of mercury in their body starts to drop and it keeps on dropping for a long time.

That's why they are constantly getting better, and not because of those detox treatments which they are using. Their health would improve even if they weren't using anything. However, only removing dental Amalgam isn't enough for anybody.

Even if the person's condition does improve, he will still never get cured completely. This is the proof that all those mercury detox treatments out there don't work. And the reason why they don't work is because they don't actually remove mercury out of the body. They just mobilize it, stir it around, and then dump it again in the most sensitive tissues. That's also why they're so dangerous. Using therapies like that is a lot worse than using nothing at all. Even if they don't hurt you the first time, they might still do so later. They're like Russian roulette.

For example, check what intravenous DMPS treatment can do to you:

There are also other treatments out there which aren't dangerous, but that's only because they don't mobilize mercury at all.

The bottom line is that all so called mercury detox therapies are useless and you should stay away from them.

However, there is one exception!

Andy Cutler's mercury detoxification protocol!
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