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How to cure Hay Fever?

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How I cured my (and my son's) hayfever.   by #58784   19 year 2 of 2 (100%)

My hayfever began when I was in my mid-20's.

I remember my father had it, too, so maybe it ran in my family.

It started with an eye irritation that made me think I had got something in my eye. Only one eye itched and watered on that day.

I went to a Doctor and they found nothing in my eye and eye irrigation didn't help at all.

The symptoms grew worse over the years, mostly in the Spring and Summer...itching, burning, red eyes and continuous sneezing.

It was awful, debilitating and seemed to be made worse by eating high carb foods...sugars and starchy foods.

I tried different kinds of proteins, but that didn't help much...all the while reading different alternative health books.

All the Docs could do was prescribe anti-histamines and nose sprays.

About 10 years after my hayfever began, I found the book that gave the answer and the cure:

"Dr. Frank's No Aging Diet" by Benjamin Frank

His research showed that not getting enough correct RNA (ribonucleic acid) was the main culprit. Fortunately, he showed which foods had the right RNA: fish.

Not just any fish...cold water salmon, sardines, and herring.

I'm not fond of fish at all, and very rarely ate it...too fishy tasting.

Maybe that was what was missing in my diet, I thought.

I went to the grocery and got some canned salmon, canned sardines, and canned herring filets.

Here I will tell a bit about my son's hayfever experience:

Late summer, he's 10 years old and is outside playing with his neighborhood friends in the tall dry grass.

He came into the house sneezing, with his red, watering eyes almost completely swollen shut.

Very reluctantly, he ate almost 1/2 a can of salmon.

Within 10 minutes...yes, 10 minutes...he stopped sneezing and his eyes became normal.

My experience was virtually the same... an attack of itchy, red eyes and sneezing was fixed by eating a can of herring or sardines or salmon.

A few weeks of this on-and-off diet and I was more hayfever.

As a side benefit, the cold hands and feet that I had for many years was also cured in minutes.

Anyway, I hope it works as well for you...

Many thanks to CureZone for providing this forum!

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