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How much weight will I lose? Will i lose a lot of inches?
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How much weight will I lose? Will I lose a lot of inches? by mouseclick 17 year 8 of 8 (100%)
Generally speaking you will lose about a pound a day (0.5Kg) on a fast, and that takes into account what you put on at the end. You will lose more at the start of a fast, and less towards the end. You will also lose weight quickly at the start of a fast if you are obese.
You can expect to put on some weight at the end of a fast, up to around 6 to 12 pounds (roughly 3 to 6Kg). This is because after the fast, you will put on some weight due to your body restocking with resources, fluids, and you will have to refill your alimentary canal.
Because fasting requires at least an equal time of "refeeding", your long term weight loss will be around 15 pounds in a 30 day month (around 7 kg). But to be safe, aim to lose 10 pounds a month max. I lost around 70 pounds in 7 months, taking into account the increase at the end before my weight stabilised.
A brief mention of "Body Mass Index", or BMI as it is known for short: Normal weight is considered to be in the range of BMI 20-25. Overweight is 25-30. Above 30 is considered obese, and a BMI above 40 is considered morbidly obese. To calculate your BMI, just Google "BMI calculator" and find one that suits you, be it pounds, kilograms, inches or centimetres. You will need to know your height and your weight. BMI calculation should only be used as a guide. For more information look here
When you fast, your body takes over, and you don't have any say about where the weight comes off, therefore it is much more difficult to calculate. It depends upon your age, shape, size, fitness and so on. Note that your tummy will be empty very quickly so you should see the difference around your waist. If you remember your measurements in the past, then try and remember your weight at the time.
After your fasting is complete you will hopefully have reset your digestive system, and got rid of any unhealthy food addictions. Many people who report their fasting experiences on Curezone claim the real benefit of fasting comes from the change in their appetite in favour of healthy fresh raw foods, and this has lead to a sustained weight loss, better shaped bodies, improved health, and quality of life.
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Generally speaking you will lose about a pound a day (0.5Kg) on a fast, and that takes into account what you put on at the end. You will lose more at the start of a fast, and less towards the end. You will also lose weight quickly at the start of a fast if you are obese.
You can expect to put on some weight at the end of a fast, up to around 6 to 12 pounds (roughly 3 to 6Kg). This is because after the fast, you will put on some weight due to your body restocking with resources, fluids, and you will have to refill your alimentary canal.
Because fasting requires at least an equal time of "refeeding", your long term weight loss will be around 15 pounds in a 30 day month (around 7 kg). But to be safe, aim to lose 10 pounds a month max. I lost around 70 pounds in 7 months, taking into account the increase at the end before my weight stabilised.
A brief mention of "Body Mass Index", or BMI as it is known for short: Normal weight is considered to be in the range of BMI 20-25. Overweight is 25-30. Above 30 is considered obese, and a BMI above 40 is considered morbidly obese. To calculate your BMI, just Google "BMI calculator" and find one that suits you, be it pounds, kilograms, inches or centimetres. You will need to know your height and your weight. BMI calculation should only be used as a guide. For more information look here
When you fast, your body takes over, and you don't have any say about where the weight comes off, therefore it is much more difficult to calculate. It depends upon your age, shape, size, fitness and so on. Note that your tummy will be empty very quickly so you should see the difference around your waist. If you remember your measurements in the past, then try and remember your weight at the time.
After your fasting is complete you will hopefully have reset your digestive system, and got rid of any unhealthy food addictions. Many people who report their fasting experiences on Curezone claim the real benefit of fasting comes from the change in their appetite in favour of healthy fresh raw foods, and this has lead to a sustained weight loss, better shaped bodies, improved health, and quality of life.
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No! by botev1921 12 year 1 of 4 (25%)
Fasting is not a good way to lose fat or weight! Please do realize that it is a mean to clean the body of things you can't actually see, not to lose some fat on your legs or arms. You will burn all the fat, but it will be recovered pretty much immediately after you are done! FASTING IS NOT A DIET and if can be really dangerous if you try to use it a one!
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Fasting is not a good way to lose fat or weight! Please do realize that it is a mean to clean the body of things you can't actually see, not to lose some fat on your legs or arms. You will burn all the fat, but it will be recovered pretty much immediately after you are done! FASTING IS NOT A DIET and if can be really dangerous if you try to use it a one!
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Water fast diet by #179988 11 year 0 of 1 (0%)
I battled weight issues 8 years ago after having my daughter, tryed a few diets nothing work for me, so tryed the Water Fast diet 2 and half years because I was unhappy with the way I looked, I was 15 and half stone on this water diet and 1 boiled egg a day took me down to 11 and half stone with in 3months, now I have only gained half a stone in 2 and half years, but made me feel very weak.
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I battled weight issues 8 years ago after having my daughter, tryed a few diets nothing work for me, so tryed the Water Fast diet 2 and half years because I was unhappy with the way I looked, I was 15 and half stone on this water diet and 1 boiled egg a day took me down to 11 and half stone with in 3months, now I have only gained half a stone in 2 and half years, but made me feel very weak.
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30 day water fast by #155737 13 year 0 of 1 (0%)
Hey i have a question also, Will you lose alot of fat on a 30 day Water Fast and look thinner?
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Hey i have a question also, Will you lose alot of fat on a 30 day Water Fast and look thinner?
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