Pau d'arco - Lapacho, Taheebo (Tabebuia impetiginosa)
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by Dennis McClain-Furmanski
Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa), also known as Taheebo and Lapacho colorado, is a tree native to the Andes and nearby rain forests. The bark, and in particular the inner bark lining, is scraped and turned into a tea. It has been used for centuries by the indigenous peoples as an immunofortifier.
Recent pharmacological studies have uncovered the anti-tumor agent lapachol, as well as the anti-candida agent xylidione, and the consistent effects of both have gathered the interest of the global pharmacological community. Claims that the tea contains a large proportion of oxygen in solution have peaked the interest of the oxygen-therapy movement, and it is being considered for anti-AIDS/HIV testing.
The normal preparation is a small amount of scraped bark prepared as a normal tea. The taste is reported to be heady and pleasant.
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