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Does CFS increase the likelihood of cancer?
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Borellia by alisaun 20 year 1 of 1 (100%)
Natural killer cells can be compromised due to infection with the borellia bergdorferi (Lyme) spirochete. Some Lyme literate doctors even run a test called a CD57 to track this and test for a particular level of natural killer cell that is generally thought to be low in patients with Lyme or co-infections.
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Natural killer cells can be compromised due to infection with the borellia bergdorferi (Lyme) spirochete. Some Lyme literate doctors even run a test called a CD57 to track this and test for a particular level of natural killer cell that is generally thought to be low in patients with Lyme or co-infections.
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No research shows that CFS and cancer are directly related by #56153 20 year 1 of 1 (100%)
There have been no formal studies about this question to date. Clinicians dealing with the illness have not noticed any higher incidence of cancer among their Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients. The issue is raised, however, because some research shows that Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients have impaired natural killer (NK) cell activity, and it is the NK cells which primarily protect against cancer.
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There have been no formal studies about this question to date. Clinicians dealing with the illness have not noticed any higher incidence of cancer among their Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients. The issue is raised, however, because some research shows that Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients have impaired natural killer (NK) cell activity, and it is the NK cells which primarily protect against cancer.
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