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What is Chelation?
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"Chelation" refers to one molecule grabbing on to a metal atom with more than one attachment by Andy Cutler 20 year 3 of 3 (100%)
Chelation is the process where you take a medicine (or supplement) that binds
strongly to the toxic metal in question and is then excreted from the body
while holding on to the metal and thus carries it out.
DMSA is a chelating agent for lead, mercury, etc.
In a chemical sense, "chelation" refers to one molecule grabbing on to a
metal atom with more than one attachment. Thus chelating agents are things
that have more than one attaching group, like DMSA that has 2 sulfurs to
attach to heavy metal atoms.
Incompetent MD's who don't know what the word "chelate" means use cysteine,
NAC and glutathione which are ineffective for this use. These substances are
ineffective because they are not actually chelating agents - the word is a
chemical word meaning things with two or more binding groups (sulfur for
mercury) in one molecule.
EDTA is an excellent chelating group for light metals (e. g. calcium, iron) since it has 4-6 binding groups for them depending on the metal. It will tie them up so that there are no metals available for bacteria to use in their enzymes.
Andy Cutler
Viewed 237888 times
All Andy Cutler's Answers
Chelation is the process where you take a medicine (or supplement) that binds
strongly to the toxic metal in question and is then excreted from the body
while holding on to the metal and thus carries it out.
DMSA is a chelating agent for lead, mercury, etc.
In a chemical sense, "chelation" refers to one molecule grabbing on to a
metal atom with more than one attachment. Thus chelating agents are things
that have more than one attaching group, like DMSA that has 2 sulfurs to
attach to heavy metal atoms.
Incompetent MD's who don't know what the word "chelate" means use cysteine,
NAC and glutathione which are ineffective for this use. These substances are
ineffective because they are not actually chelating agents - the word is a
chemical word meaning things with two or more binding groups (sulfur for
mercury) in one molecule.
EDTA is an excellent chelating group for light metals (e. g. calcium, iron) since it has 4-6 binding groups for them depending on the metal. It will tie them up so that there are no metals available for bacteria to use in their enzymes.
Andy Cutler
Viewed 237888 times
All Andy Cutler's Answers