Wheat grass & Barley grass
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Barley and Wheat Grass Juice
These two "super foods" are produced from young cereal plants that are carefully grown until they reach 4 to 10" in height. Then they are cut, washed, dried, and ground to a pulp from which the green juice is extracted and, finally, dried into a green powder. Both are high in chlorophyll, potassium, calcium and incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, enzymes and beta carotene.
Wheatgrass juice contains 70% "crude" chlorophyll. Chlorophyll by definition being the green pigment in plants. It is considered the "blood" of plants, due to the similarity to our blood in molecular structure.
Additionally, wheat grass helps neutralize and remove toxins. Barley Juice Powder is also rich in magnesium, potassium and bioflavonoids.
"The effects...on all my patients especially my Arthritis patients, is nothing short of amazing." -Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD, editor Health & Healing Newsletter
"Gary's platelet count rose every day for 7 days from 61,000 to 141,000 and the only thing we did differently was administer wheatgrass. That's absolutely phenomenal and it's fully documented on the hospital record." --- Dr. Leonard Smith, MD, Cancer Surgeon
"Barley grass leaf extract dramatically inhibits the growth of human prostatic cancer cells grown in tissue culture. ...It may provide a new nutritional approach to the treatment of prostate cancer. " ---Dr. Allan L. Goldstein, MD, George Washington Univ. Medical Center
Kamut Grass Juice
Kamut is an ancient variety of nutritional grain that contains more protein, lipids, and minerals than common wheat or other cereal grasses. There is a vast difference between Kamut flour, which is made from the grain of Kamut, and Kamut grass juice, which is obtained by juicing the green grass. Kamut flour is about 1/6 the cost of Kamut grass juice and contains only a fraction of the nutrition found in the grass juice.
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