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My question is not listed here but I think it should be. What can I do?
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Anyone can add questions and answers to the FAQ by mouseclick 17 year
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To ask a new Frequently Asked Question, simply click on "Ask Question " on the FAQ main page. Hopefully someone will then answer it!
To answer a question already asked, click on the "Answer" link next to the question you wish to answer.
Please note:
- If you ask a question here, don't expect it to be answered for many months, and then it will only get answered if it is a genuine FAQ that comes up a lot. If you want a response in minutes or hours, use the Water Fasting Forum
- A question can have more than one answer. If you think you can do better, please add a new answer!
- Answers can be edited by the original poster at a later date, e.g. to improve or update them
- Answers can be hidden by the original poster at a later date if they no longer wish them to be seen by others
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- You can vote good or not good for any answer you read, just as you can agree or disagree on the main forum.
Viewed 14760 times
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