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What can I use instead of Maple Syrup Grade B ?
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Your Answer by beary 17 year 1 of 1 (100%)
It says in the book that any grade from A to C can be used but darker grades such as B or C are preferrable. Also it is mentioned that 10oz of fresh extracted sugarcane can be used with the other basic ingredients but that is only available in india. Also sorghum, assuming the same two tablespoons but the book did not clarify reflecting that he mostly prefers that you follow directions and use only the Maple Syrup.
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All beary's Answers
It says in the book that any grade from A to C can be used but darker grades such as B or C are preferrable. Also it is mentioned that 10oz of fresh extracted sugarcane can be used with the other basic ingredients but that is only available in india. Also sorghum, assuming the same two tablespoons but the book did not clarify reflecting that he mostly prefers that you follow directions and use only the Maple Syrup.
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