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I am on day 3 of the master cleanse and I have only had one bowel movement. I jhave been drinking the smooth moves tea night and day and nothing. I have read horrible stories about the salt water flush. I am afraid to try. Can anyone offer me advice???
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triphala ayurvedic berry by justgold79 17 year 1 of 1 (100%)
Triphala is another way of doing this. It's an indian ayurvedic herbal berry blend of three berries that promote the bowel's own elimination functions rather than forcing everything out. It's very gentle.
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Triphala is another way of doing this. It's an indian ayurvedic herbal berry blend of three berries that promote the bowel's own elimination functions rather than forcing everything out. It's very gentle.
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Salt Water Flush by msleb 17 year 1 of 1 (100%)
I'm on day six and while the salt water is my least favorite part - it's really not that bad and it will totally solve your problem. Mix it with 8 oz. of warm water so it desolves really well and pretend your at a bar taking a big shot! I swish with clean water and brush immediately following and that helps a lot. I also set my alarm for 5 am and have the salt in a glass with a spoon on my bathroom counter so all I have to do is mix and slam. Something about being half asleep helps. Then I brush and go back to sleep for a couple of hours. When it comes out it's all at once and it's total liquid. It's really no big deal after the first couple of times... JUST DO IT!
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I'm on day six and while the salt water is my least favorite part - it's really not that bad and it will totally solve your problem. Mix it with 8 oz. of warm water so it desolves really well and pretend your at a bar taking a big shot! I swish with clean water and brush immediately following and that helps a lot. I also set my alarm for 5 am and have the salt in a glass with a spoon on my bathroom counter so all I have to do is mix and slam. Something about being half asleep helps. Then I brush and go back to sleep for a couple of hours. When it comes out it's all at once and it's total liquid. It's really no big deal after the first couple of times... JUST DO IT!
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Try it. by John Cullison 18 year 1 of 1 (100%)
Horrible stories? Naw. For me, the salt water flushes through my system in about an hour. It takes about ten minutes to pass it all, and then... everything's OK.
Might sting a little. But otherwise, it was never a problem for me, anyway. In fact, I never bothered with the tea because the salt water worked so well.
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Horrible stories? Naw. For me, the salt water flushes through my system in about an hour. It takes about ten minutes to pass it all, and then... everything's OK.
Might sting a little. But otherwise, it was never a problem for me, anyway. In fact, I never bothered with the tea because the salt water worked so well.
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