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Is it ok to have ANY food - a cracker, something very small or does this entirely eliminate the purpose of the cleanse?

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No and Yes   by John Cullison   18 year 3 of 3 (100%)

You can have all the food you like.

Doing so, however, means you aren't doing the cleanse.

You can try to muddle your way through it, do it half-way, whatever. The results you get out of it will be directly in proportion to the extent that you follow it exactly as written.

It's all your responsibility -- so you bear the blame if it succeeds or if it fails.

If it's too much to endure, then break the fast. The first time I did the MC, the first four days I tried it, I had dinner those nights. The hunger pangs were overwhelming (or so they seemed). For that matter, the first two days, I had such terrible migraines that I also took pain relievers. Finally, on the fifth day, a Friday, I made it through the whole day and night and woke up the next morning happy that I'd finally made it.

But I didn't kid myself. That Friday was really just Day 1, not Day 5. It took me four days of almost doing it before I worked up to actually doing it. Had I been stronger, I would have been four days ahead.
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