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I would like to do the master cleanse, but suffer from low blood sugar, so I can't fast. How can I cleanse, which I know would help my liver and pancreas, and maintain my blood sugar level as well?

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Low Blood Sugar isn't fixed by Sugar   by Theresa Peek   11 year

The more Sugar there is the Master Cleanse, the worse it will be for some people who have difficulties with low blood sugar.
I have learned (the hard way) that whenever I try to fix a low blood Sugar spell by eating something with Sugar in it, I go on a sugar high, to be followed within half an hour by even lower blood sugar than I started out with. This vicious cycle can keep going on and on until I take time to sit down, eat a full meal with a lot of protein and complex carbs, and wait a good hour for my system to settle down and get back to normal. This is a constant problem for me at work, of course, since protein and complex carbs are harder to eat in a few moments quick snack than something sugary.
By sugar, I mean also anything like fruit. An apple or a banana is just as bad as a candy bar!
I don't know how this problem could be fixed if you wanted to fast, but I do know that it is false to say that the amount of sugar in the Cleanse should make it easy for somebody with low blood sugar to do. It would rather be quite the opposite.
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Low blood sugar doesn't have to stop you!   by Meggy Sue   15 year

I'm on my third cleanse and also have low blood sugar. Each time, by the end of the first day I was faint and trembling. We're not supposed to eat anything. I knew I had to and didn't want to quit, so I "cheated". A few sunflower seeds with some raisins did the trick. I chewed them slowly and thoroughly. Also had to do it toward the end of the 2nd day, then after that it was all a GO!

I'm on day four now and have no low-sugar spells. Last time I did it for 11 days and wouldn't have quit except I was running out of lemons and it was pouring rain. I felt so good I didn't want to stop it. Energy high, no craving for food, etc. I suggest you stay with it. Good Luck!
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Other thoughts on Master Cleanser for hypoglycemics   by John Cullison   18 year

OK, then you get to violate the rules a bit to try to figure this out.

I'd suggest going for a juice fast instead, including various tubers for complex carbs. You'll get similar results, and it'll allow you to move more gradually toward The Master Cleanser , if you find that you can handle it.

You could also try including juiced starches with the lemonade drink, but I don't like to suggest changes to The Master Cleanser if it can at all be avoided.

You could also instead try other cleansing methods first. Do the colon-parasite-liver cleanse route, first. After cleaning out those organs, maybe your blood Sugar issues will stablize enough to do The Master Cleanser as written.

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reply about master cleanse and low blood sugar   by leon2561   18 year

Re: master cleanse with low blood sugar. Thanks for the answers I've received. John - when I take in simple sugars, they give me an immediate rise in blood sugar, followed by a drop to lower than normal. That's why I need slow release complex carbohydrates, rather than simple sugars. So it's not the calorie count that counts, so to speak, rather what those calories consist of. I might be able to do the cleanse and fast for a couple of days and see how I feel, instead of the whole 10 days, so that the cleanse is very much more gentle. Lack of complex carbos with me, makes me very faint, because my liver is apparently not able to convert glucagon to glucose in order to keep my blood Sugar stable. Any suggestions, since I really do know that my liver needs the help? Many thanks for what's coming up so far.
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Some possibilities for you   by John Cullison   18 year 0 of 1 (0%)

Last time I did the math for my caloric intake during a Master Cleanse, I was over 1,800 calories per day, and all of those calories were from the Sugar in the maple syrup. No fats, no proteins. I find it hard to believe that The Master Cleanser , as written, would be difficult for someone with low blood Sugar issues to follow.

If you need something besides simple sugars to keep you going, you might have a problem, here, I suppose. Perhaps adding some starch (*gag*) might help you, but this is a complete guess on my part, and I make no promises or guarantees.

You might also instead choose to do a more liberal juice fast, instead, which would provide a much greater variety of food sources, including some starchy vegetables that you could include with your vegetable juices.
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