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How does one balance chi?

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There are numerous ways to do it   by QT_Aya   19 year

There are many many ways to balance chi.

I only know a few:

In Kundalini Reiki, there is a way to balance the energy in the whole body. It is in the manual. You'll need to be attuned to Kundalini Reiki Master to do that.

There is a reiki attunement called "Meridian Flush", that can flush the meridians. It helps balancing the energies.

In Sahaja Yoga, after one achieved "self-realization" (rising of the Kundalini), there are varies ways to balance the 7 chakras using the five elements. For more informations,

Practicing qi-gong is very good as well.

Acupuncture, acupressure, Traditional Chinese medicine (herbal) all aim at balancing the chi.

Meridian tapping, such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

If you have someone to help you, try doing "Touch for Health". Just get the book and follow it. (Or you can go to a practitioner.) It really can balance out all the meridians. Highly recommend it.

Also, there are meditations that can help balance the can search on the web.

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How does one balance chi   by wotthe****isitallabout   19 year

Breath deep, take a walk, that'l do the trick
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