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DISEASE STATES~ CANCER~ can iodine therapy help?

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Dr. Jorge Fleschas on breast cancer & iodine   by wombat   17 year



Breast Health
Iodine and Other Nutrients Play a Crucial Role
Jorge D. Flechas M.D., M.P.H.

Over the next few weeks, the country will nationally be focusing on Breast Cancer . Of all the cancers women develop, 29 percent are breast cancer. By age 25, 1 in 19,608 women will develop breast cancer. By age 50, this number changes to a shocking 1 in 50 and by age 75 an even more dismal statistic: 1 in 11. In a total lifetime, one woman in 8 will develop breast cancer.

In January 2005, cancer became the leading cause of death in the United States. Each year about 211,000 cases of Breast Cancer are diagnosed in the USA. The number of new Breast Cancer cases increased from 82 per 100,000 women in 1973 to 195 per 100,000 women in 2000. The main cause of death prior to that was heart disease. The estimated death rate from breast cancer is 40,600: 40,200 females and 400 males.

Much is said in the public media about a genetic link with this cancer. Yet, genetics play only a small role in the development of breast cancer—less than 7 percent. In the September 8, 2006 issue of USA TODAY one of the lead articles was on Killer Cancer Genes ID’d. It mentioned that 122 breast cancer-causing genes have been identified. The scientist quoted in the article mentioned that we may not be able to tackle all the genes in a tumor but that we may have to work on silencing the cancer-causing genes. Doctors in the future may find that silencing even one of these genes could be enough to keep a tumor in check or kill it. They mention in the article that treatments could be a decade or more to develop.

Yet, the technology for tomorrow is here today in the supplements we have at our disposal. For example, methylation of DNA and gene silencing are affected by nutrition. Many articles exist on silencing genes and how the use of methyl-folic acid, methyl-vitamin B12, selenium, trimethylglycine powder and zinc help to methylate the DNA.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors
Many breast cancer risk factors have been identified such as a high-fat diet, low-fiber diet, tobacco use, and alcohol use. These risk factors can be modified by an individual. There are other factors that are mostly out of a woman’s control. The longer a woman is exposed to estrogen in her body, for example, the higher her risk. This would include early age at menarche, late age at menopause, long-term use of birth control pills and nulliparity (never having given birth). There seems to be a group of women whose use of birth control pills for more that 4 years puts them at higher risk before age 45. Women who take thyroid hormone are also at higher risk for developing breast cancer.1 Conversely, a lower risk for breast cancer is seen in women who are late in age at menarche, early age at menopause, and early age at first pregnancy.

Fibrocystic Breasts
In the New England Journal of Medicine, July 22, 2005 issue, there was a lead article showing that benign breast changes in women are associated with breast cancer. Benign breast changes is a new term for what we have called fibrocystic breast disease (FBD) in the past. FBD is currently affecting about 84 percent of the female population in North America.2 FBD is a misnomer because the medical problem is not a disease in the strictest sense. It is more a problem of cyclic breast pain that is associated with the menstrual cycle. In some patients the breast pain is seen daily, regardless of their menstrual cycle. Tissue biopsy for these benign breast changes that do grow larger are called proliferative lesions and if they do not grow they are called non-proliferative lesions.

Non-proliferative lesions (non-growers) can include cyst of the breast, radial scars, apocrine cells which generally make up sweat glands—the breasts are classified as a modified sweat gland—fibroadenoma, and hyperplastic cells that are normal in appearance under the microscope but are more numerous than usual. Proliferative lesions with normal cells are called sclerosing adenosis, which have a slightly increased risk (1.5 to 2 times). There are proliferative lesions with abnormal or atypical cells that are called hyperplasia—high degree with a moderate increased risk of breast cancer of (4 to 5 times), lobular neoplasia and intraductal papilloma. As a rule in medicine, the more abnormal cells look under the microscope, i.e., the more atypical the cells look, the higher the risk of cancer being present.

Iodine’s Supportive Role
Back in the early 1990s it was noted that patients who had Iodine deficiency had associated benign breast changes. By giving these patient’s Iodine the breast changes that were present would regress.2 It had been noticed a few years earlier that in animal studies, where the animal had been denied access to iodine, the animals developed benign breast changes like humans.3-5 In animal studies, researchers have been able to produce breast cancer in animals by depriving them of iodine.4

In my own personal medical practice I have literally seen the regression of cysts, nodules, scar tissue, and painful breast with the use of 50 mg of Iodoral® per day for 2-3 years. The breast pain goes away in just a few weeks, but the cyst/cysts, scar tissue and breast nodules take up to 2 to 3 years to resolve. On mammograms I have seen a 50 to 80 percent reduction in the scar tissue present in the breast. Studies are needed to show via biopsy that the many different types of FBD will regress with Iodine supplementation.

Before starting on iodine therapy, a patient should have their thyroid hormone values investigated. A doctor should check the size of the thyroid for enlargement and or nodules. An iodine-loading test should also be done prior to starting iodine therapy to establish the need for iodine therapy. In this test the patient is given 50 mg of iodine and a 24-hour urine test is then collected. The iodine level in the urine is measured. The more saturated the body is with iodine the higher the level of iodine excreted. The more saturated the body is, the less breast abnormalities have been seen. The test is repeated at 3 months to document increasing saturation. If saturation is not occurring then further investigation is called for to find out why saturation isn’t happening.

Additional Support
Several other nutrients/hormones are also important to breast health and can be used in conjunction with Iodoral. DIM (diindolylmethane), the nutrient derived from cruciferous vegetables, for example, is influential in helping the body metabolize estrogen. DIM has been shown to change the way estrogen is metabolized. Metabolism of the natural estrogen estradiol occurs via one of two pathways. The tumor enhancer metabolic pathway, 16 alpha-hydroxylation, is elevated in patients with breast and endometrial cancer and in those at increased risk of such cancers. This increased 16 alpha-hydroxylation activity has been shown to precede clinical evidence of cancer, and it represents a significant risk factor for developing estrogen-dependent tumors.

Conversely, when estrogen veers away from the 16-alpha pathway and takes another route out of the body, the incidence of cancer decreases. This alternate route, which acts as a tumor suppressor metabolic pathway, is called 2-hydroxylation, a process that transforms estrogen into 2-hydroxyestrone (20HEI), an antiestrogen. Healthy individuals not at risk for breast or endometrial cancer bypass the 16-alpha route and instead metabolize estrogen through this preferable pathway. DIM signals the body to metabolize estrogen via the tumor suppressor 2-hydroxylation pathway.

In addition to this more well known estrogen-related mechanism of action of DIM, recent research also indicates that DIM can prevent angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels develop. Cancer cells use the development of new blood vessels to spread throughout the body. In mice, DIM inhibited angiogenesis by up to 76 percent.6 In addition, in mice implanted with human breast cancer cells, tumor growth was inhibited by 64 percent in animals treated with DIM.6

Another means of supporting breast health is by using natural progesterone cream. A syndrome known as Estrogen Dominance is prevalent in women, especially postmenopausal women. According to progesterone researcher Dr. John Lee, estrogen unopposed by progesterone results in a number of adverse effects including painful breasts, fibrocystic breast disease, and breast cancer.

Estrogen dominance usually occurs at menopause, when progesterone production falls to approximately 1 percent of its pre-menopausal level. At this time, the production of estrogen falls to about 50 percent of its pre-menopausal levels. This dramatically alters the estrogen: progesterone ratio, causing estrogen to become toxic without progesterone to oppose it. As a result, the risks for breast and uterine cancer and fibrocystic breast disease increase.7 Therefore, progesterone also has a crucial role to play in maintaining breast health.

Vitamin D is another breast-supportive nutrient. Women who have mutations in their vitamin D receptor gene are nearly twice as likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who do not have the mutation. The vitamin D receptor gene controls the action of vitamin D in the body. Scientists have found that Caucasian women with certain versions of this gene not only have an increased risk of breast cancer but also may suffer from a more aggressive form of the disease if it spreads. The results suggest that vitamin D does indeed play a part in protecting the body against breast cancer, as past studies indicate.

Five to ten percent of breast cancer cases are due to already established gene mutations such as BRCA1. However, the underlying cause of breast cancer in women who do not have this gene and have no family history of the disease has remained a mystery. The study suggests that the mutation in the Vitamin D receptor gene may have a role to play in disease development in women who would not ordinarily be expected to develop the disease.8

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Dr David Derry, carcinoma in situ and iodine therapy   by wombat   17 year


....carcinoma in situ and other pathology around tumor. From the book " Breast Cancer and Iodine". Buy the book, folks! LOTS of good info... :)

"Another new patient came to me after a lumpectomy only and no lymph node dissection. Not only was there a ductal carcinoma with multiple foci up to 5 cms from the main lesion, but tissues surrounding her cancer contained many abnormal breast changes including carcinoma in situ.The margins of the cancer came within 0.5 mm of the resection margin. Under the advice of the cancer clinic and because the margin of clear breast was small and the tissue surrounding the tumor contained many obvious abnormalities, the surgeon carried out a wider resection of the same area and excised the sentinal axillary node six months after I met her. During the interim the lady had been on Lugol's Iodine two drops daily and 180 mgs of dessicated thyroid. When a wider resection was carried out all resected breast tissue was completely clear of fibrocystic disease, pre-cancerous and cancer lesions. The lymph node was negative. The lady had been on her Iodine for close to six months at that time as well as thyroid hormone. Theoretically, we should have seen some pathology in her newly resected breast tissue. These results are suggestive that carcinoma in situ and abnormal cells may all disappear with adequate Iodine and thyroid therapy."

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Dr. David Derry, how iodine can arrest the development of breast and prostate cancer   by wombat   17 year

more at the link:

"An adequate dose of Iodine can be defined as more than 4 mg per day. Lugol's solution is an iodine-in-water solution used by the medical profession for 200 years. One drop (6.5 mg per drop) of Lugol's daily in water, orange juice or milk will gradually eliminate the first phase of the cancer development namely fibrocystic disease of the breast so no new cancers can start. It also will kill abnormal cells floating around in the body at remote sites from the original cancer. Of course this approach appears to work for prostate cancer as prostate cancer is similar to Breast Cancer in many respects. Indeed, it likely will help with most cancers. Also higher doses of Iodine are required for inflammatory breast cancer. As well we know that large doses of intravenous Iodine are harmless which makes one wonder what effect this would have on cancer growth."

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prostate cancer, Gerson therapy   by wombat   17 year

Iodine has been shown to be effective in all hormonally driven cancers, including prostate cancer. Lack of Iodine in the diet has been linked with the development of these cancers. Supplement iodine, guys! Phil Lesh has prostate cancer and and Frank Zappa died an untimely death due to prostate cancer:

Legendary Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh announced that he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The tumor was discovered after high PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels during a regular check-up prompted a biopsy. Because the cancer is in its early stages, Lesh is not planning on cutting back on his touring and expects to make a full recovery. He urges men to monitor PSA levels. Experimental rock god Frank Zappa died of prostate cancer at age 52 in 1993 in part because the disease was long un-checked. According to the National Cancer Institute, "Prostate cancer is the most common cancer, excluding skin cancer, and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men in the United States."


Iodine deficiency is a recognized risk factor in the development of cancer of the breast, prostate, and probably the ovary and endometrium.


Statistics on prostate cancer:

Consider the following statistics related to prostate cancer:

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, excluding skin cancer.

American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates for 2003 include 220,900 new cases of prostate cancer in the US.

Year 2003 estimates include 28,900 deaths occurring from prostate cancer in the US alone, making it the second leading cause of cancer death in men.

All men are at risk for prostate cancer. The risk increases with age, and family history also increases the risk.

African-American men have about a 60 percent higher incidence rate of prostate cancer than Caucasian men, and nearly a two-fold higher mortality rate than Caucasian men.

According to the National Cancer Institute, if current rates stay the same, a man’s chance of developing prostate cancer is as follows:

from age birth to 39 - 1 in 10,000
from age 40-59 - 1 in 45
from age 60-79 - 1 in 7
from birth to death - 1 in 6



Max Gerson used Lugol's Iodine as part of his protocol for cancer...

Max Gerson, M.D.

The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy: a summary of 30 years of clinical experimentation

"Thirty years of clinical experimentation has led to a successful therapy for advanced cancer. This therapy is based on the concepts (1) that cancer patients have low immuno-reactivity and generalized tissue damage, especially of the liver, and (2) that when the cancer is destroyed, toxic degradation products appear in the bloodstream which lead to coma and death from liver failure. The therapy consists of high potassium, low sodium diet, with no fats or oils, and minimal animal proteins. Juices of raw fruits and vegetables and of raw liver provide active oxidizing enzymes which facilitate rehabilitation of the liver. Iodine and niacin supplementation is used. Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall. The therapy must be used as an integrated whole. Parts of the therapy used in isolation will not be successful. This therapy has cured many cases of advanced cancer."

"The patients are given thyroid and Lugol solution (lugol's solution is iodine plus potassium iodide) I learned first through the so-called Gudenath tadpole experiment that iodine is necessary to increase and help the oxidation ability. Then we gave the patients large amount of potassium.(12) It took about 300 experiments until I found the right potassium combination. It is a 10% solution of potassium gluconate, potassium phosphate (monobasic), and potassium acetate. From that solution the patient is given four teaspoonsful 10 times a day in juices. That large amount of potassium is introduced into the body.(12) At the same time 5 times one grain of thyroid and 6 times three drops of Lugol solution, ½ strength. That's 18 drops of Lugol which is a large dose. Nobody was observed to develop heart palpitations from that, even if some patients told me that they could previously not take thyroid because they would develop heart palpitation. And all allergies disappeared! Some patients claimed that they could previously not take one teaspoonful of lemon juice or orange juice - they were allergic. But when they are well detoxified and have plenty of potassium, they are not allergic. Allergies and other hypersensitivities are eliminated.

"When introduced into the system, thyroid and lugol solution go immediately into the cancer mass. These ripe cells take it up fast and they perhaps grow a little faster but they soak in more with great greed - as much as they can - together with a little bit of sodium, probably. But then there isn't much sodium left. So then these cells pick up potassium and the oxidizing enzymes and die by themselves. You have to realize that cancer cells live essentially on fermentation but potassium and oxidizing enzymes introduce oxidation. And that is the point at which we can kill cancer cells because we take away the conditions which they need to continue to live."

This is from a lecture he gave, on one of his cures:

I have here another patient: Mr. Eyerly. Could you come here? Mr. Eyerly came here to see me. He lives in Salem, Oregon. The man had cancer of the prostate and it had grown into the urine bladder. He went to the University Clinic at Portland, Oregon, to a famous urologist. He diagnosed the metastasis into the urinary bladder and said that they could do nothing. Besides, the cancer had grown into the pelvic bones. This was two years ago. The physicians, including the family doctor, all told him that he could live only 4 to 6 weeks, especially since all bones of the pelvis were full of cancer. He looked terribly ill when he came to me. His wife brought him with a nurse. He had made his last will and did not expect to live. Now we cured that. It was especially difficult. I should like to thank his wife. She prepared the treatment with the greatest devotion. She was wonderful and we could rely on her. In a family where there is real devotion in the application of this treatment, we can even save these far advanced cases. Of course, we cannot save all of them but we can save more than we sometimes even consider possible. (Question from the audience: “How long did it take?”) In the urinary bladder, it didn't take but a few weeks and there was no longer any blood and pus, nor in the stools either. But in the pelvis there were hundreds of spots, and that takes a long time because the body transforms this cancer first into so-called osteoplastic areas, not an osteolytic process which is bone reducing. With my treatment more bone is produced. The body produces more bone, and then the hypertrophic bone is transformed into normal bone tissue. Then there is no more pain. Now the patient can get around and is even the manager of a company.

~So, all you lovely men, take your iodine! As with breast cancer, this is an important preventive measure! We love you & don't want you to die an untimely death! and we want you to avoid....

:) xxoo

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Gerson therapy, breast and prostate cancer by Newport   by wombat   17 year


First, prostate cancer with the Gerson therapy is almost 100% cure. The two top cancers from a toxic body are prostate and breast, both avoidable using the Gerson therapy. Believe this was stated by Charlotte Gerson.

NOTE: Gerson used 37.5mg of Lugol's Iodine per day, and I am sure he would have upped that by now...

For coffee enemas see:

For more Coffee-Enema info see:

My 2 cents on juicing:
If serious you need to be or move to a warm climate. juicing isn't going to work in Alaska. If not too serious, and by that I mean the body still has the ability to absorb nutrients then supplementation can replace juicing.

However be aware that not taking full measures can leave the body extremely toxic while fighting off cancer, here is a snippet from an earlier post:

Knowing now, that most bodies are riddled with cancers and that the lack of Iodine keeps them from being detected until they are large enough to be treated via Surgery, I must say that body reactions to the intro of Iodine are unpredictable.


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J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

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Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

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Let oxygen remove old, impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and...

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

End Constipation Now
Let oxygen remove old, impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and...



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