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FLUORIDE~ what shall I consider when detoxing fluoride?

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detoxing fluoride~ considerations by wombat   by wombat   17 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Fluoride is one of the four halogens. It is in our water, our toothpastes, our foods and in many medications. Fluoride damages enzymes. It causes kidney damage. High dose Iodine will displace fluorine, and some of the detox symptoms are similar.

This is the link to the thread:
started by Wombat.

I am writing this post because as time goes on we're seeing different people's reactions to Iodine therapy. People have reported excessive kidney pain, hair loss, constipation, etc...Folks, when embarking on this protocol, you really need to consider your total body burden of fluoride. Fluoride's effects on all bodily systems are insidious. Fluoride has an affinity for calcium, so a lot of fluoride deposits in bone. Fluoride ALSO deposits in soft tissue, however. Fluoride toxicity has been indicated in health problems from gastrointestinal distress to kidney damage to liver damage to chronic fatigue syndrome to fibromyalgia...

What does this mean in terms of supplementing Iodine to displace the heavier halogens? Well, make darned sure that your organs of elimination are working smoothly BEFORE embarking on this protocol, IMO. As smoothly as possible, anyway...I've seen reports that some haven't done colon, liver, kidney cleansing. You NEED to do this, folks. We know that bromides can be excreted through the skin... what about fluoride? What happens when this potent enzyme poison is excreted through the skin because other eliminative channels are compromised...?

Is it possible that fluoride can recirculate throughout the body, to redeposit elsewhere....? I don't know the answers to these questions. I do think that it's a really good idea to take iodine supplementation slowly, especially if you think you may be suffering from fluoride toxicity.


"It is now known that such vital organs as the kidneys, thyroid, aorta (main heart artery), liver, lungs and others can be the sites of an unusually high fluoride build-up. No matter how small the amount of fluoride in the diet, a part of it tends to accumulate in the body. When the water supply is fluoridated the intake of the individual is considerably increased and the accumulation in the body increases accordingly. There is no clear-cut pattern as to the degree of retention among individuals. Further, it accumulates in certain organs in an unpredictable way. Some individuals may store up to 100 times more fluoride in certain tissue than others. This has given rise to concern over fluoride's possible role in chronic disease. Fluoride is an enzyme poison and medical authorities recognize that disturbances of the enzyme system are a cause of disease." (Dr. Jonathan Forman, M.D., world-renowned specialist in allergy, Professor-Emeritus of Ohio State University, former editor of the Ohio State Medical Journal, editor of Clinical Physiology, in statement in behalf of Medical-Dental Committee on Evaluation of Fluoridation.)

"Stomach and bowel disorders are the main features of fluoride intolerance. Even small amounts of fluoride can form hydrofluoric acid in the stomach to produce gastric pains, nausea and vomiting. Young children are particularly at risk. Fluoride tablets can even cause gastric haemorrhages; in one instance, a 9 year old boy sustained such damage that large parts of his stomach had to be removed (Fluoride, 1977; 10: 149-51)."


How does one determine one's possible body burden of fluoride? Here is a list of possible sources...

another source~ sufuryl fluoride:


and another source, fluoride-based drugs.......

"In medicine, fluoride is used in most general anesthetics and in many psychotropic drugs. Prozac (fluoxetene), Phen-Fen (fenfluramine, the diet drug recently removed from the market), and Rohypnol (flunitrazepam, or "Roofies," the date rape drug) are a few recognizable examples of fluoride-based drugs which affect chemical activity in the brain."

"Fluorine is frequently added to pharmaceuticals. These drugs, when they are metabolized, break down in the body and produce fluoride ion. The net result is that these drugs carry fluoride into very sensitive places, like the brain, where it can cause problems. Little investigation has been done on this aspect of organofluorines."

"Over the past several years, numerous fluoride-containing medications have been pulled off the market for causing deaths and illness. Fluoride is "highly toxic to the liver," expert Andreas Schuld of Vancouver, BC Canada said. Schuld, head of Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children, explained that "In the liver all fluorides interfere with the metabolism of thyroid hormones, creating thyroid disorders and associated diseases, such as muscle diseases ….heart disease, etc." Other effects can include a serious muscle disease that causes pain and weakness. He cited the recent withdrawal of Baycol, a cholesterol-lowering drug taken by 700,000 Americans, as an example of hidden fluoride-induced dangers that could be lurking in your medications. Baycol, Schuld said, has been linked to 31 U.S. deaths, with at least nine other fatalities worldwide."

"The Physician's Desk Reference Family Guide to Prescription Drugs lists side effects reported by Prozac users: heart attack, impotence, hair loss, cataracts, kidney disorders, hepatitis, arthritis, breast cysts, breast pain, convulsions, coma, migraine headache, bronchitis, pneumonia, deafness, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, gallstones, pelvic pain, inability to control bowel movements, painful sexual intercourse for women, urinary tract disorders, eye bleeding, spitting blood and vomiting blood."

Controversial fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).

IODINE, in high doses, DISPLACES fluoride:

Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted halides:

"Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body's burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) suggests that there is another intracellular "pool" of bromide, not responding to chloride. In the thyroid gland, bromide competes with Iodide for uptake, oxydation and organification.
"Therefore, increasing Iodide intake should lower bromide levels in the thyroid, preventing and reversing its thyrotoxic and goitrogenic effects. The same applies to fluoride. Galletti and Joyet (12) evaluated the effect of 5-10 mg fluoride on thyroid functions in hyperthyroid patients. Although fluoride inhibited the iodide-concentrating mechanism of the thyroid, fluoride did not accumulate in the thyroid. Based on their radioactive tracer studies, they concluded "Fluorine does not impair the capacity of the gland to synthesize thyroid hormones when there is an abundance of Iodide in the blood." Therefore, fluoride toxicity depends on iodide supply."
"Following supplementation with the iodine/iodide preparation, there was a progressive increase in the excretion of fluoride and bromide. With 3 tablets, the 24h excretion of fluoride was 17.5 times baseline level; and for bromide, 18 times baseline level. These high levels persisted even after one month of supplementation at 3 tablets/day, being 15 times baseline level for fluoride, and 16 times for bromide. After one month, the estimated total amount of halide excreted was 24 mg fluoride and 8700mg bromide. It is unlikely that such large amounts of halides came from the thyroid gland. It would seem that the whole body is being detoxified. Orthoiodosupplementation could be used under medical supervision to detoxify the body from unwanted halides in a manner similar to the use of EDTA for the detoxification of heavy metals."


What about those, though, that have already suffered ill health effects due to fluoride toxicity? What of those whose eliminative channels are compromised?


"In addition, fluoride has been definitively shown to poison kidney function at high doses over short-term exposures in both animals and humans. The impact of low doses of fluoride, given over long periods of time, has been inadequately studied. A recent animal study, conducted by scientists at the US Environmental Protection Agency (Varner 1998), reported that exposure to just 1 ppm fluoride caused kidney damage in rats if they drank the water for an extended period of time, while a new study from China found an increased rate of kidney disease among humans consuming more than 2 ppm (Liu 2005). Hence, the adverse effects to kidney function that fluoride causes at high doses over short periods of time, may also be replicated with small doses if consumed over long periods of time."


Baycol" (Cerivastatin) is yet another drug containing a fluorophenyl compound. Prozac and Paxil are some other well-known drugs containing fluorophenyl compounds, as are pesticides including Flusilazole and Fluorbenside.....
Organic fluoride compounds undergo extensive transformation in the liver, mainly via a process called oxidative demethylation, involving the thyroid hormone (T3) mediated P-450 enzyme system.
In many instances the resulting metabolites may have higher activity and/or greater toxicity than the original compound.
Ironically, an example often used as textbook case to demonstrate of how more-toxic metabolites are produced after passing through the liver, is a compound called "Sevoflurane", which is one of many fluorinated agents used in anesthesia.
Inorganic fluoride is a normal metabolite of Sevoflurane and thought to be responsible for the renal failure observed.
Fluvoxamine (Luvox) transforms to at least 9 metabolites.
The activity of organic fluoride compounds on the P-450 enzyme system is also important as it relates to the elimination of many other drugs. Inhibition of these enzymes can cause other drugs to accumulate to dangerous levels in the body, and many cases implicating fluorinated medications are documented in hundreds of studies on MEDLINE.
As just one example, fluoxetine (Prozac) increased up to 13 times the concentrations of thioridazine and its metabolites in the plasma when both medications were administered (Daniel et al, 1999).
Liver damage is often observed when fluorinated agents are used. This, again, is true for all organic fluoride compounds.
Paxil and Prozac are also known to cause liver disease.
Fluoxetine (Prozac) has been shown to cause severe liver dysfunction such as hepatitis (Cai et al, 1999; Johnston & Wheeler, 1997; Mars et al, 1991; Friedenberg & Rothstein, 1996).
Fluoxetine has also shown tumor-promoting activity in the liver (Lin et al, 1999).
Tolrestat (fluorinated anti-diabetic) was withdrawn in 1997 after the appearance of severe liver toxicity.



"It seems to me that we must be aware of how fluoride does its damage. It is an enzyme poison....

"What is the result of these toxic effects? First the immune system. The distortion of protein structure causes the immune proteins to fail to recognise body proteins, and so instigate an attack on them, which is Autoimmune Disease....

"The enzyme poison effect extends to our genes; DNA cannot repair itself, and chromosomes are damaged....

"Fluorides are mutagenic. That is, they can cause the uncontrolled proliferation of cells we call cancer. This applies to cancer anywhere in the body; but bones are particularly picked out....

"Yes. Fluoride poisons enzymes. All the chemical reactions necessary to the life and function of the body depend on enzymes. Continuous Depression of enzyme activity by fluorides produces alterations of function and symptoms of disease. Professor Hugo Theorell, Nobel Prize winner, (Medical Nobel Inst. Biochemist, Dept. of Communication to Royal Medical Board, Sweden, Mar. 1, 1958) based his opposition to fluoridation on the fact that fluoride is an established enzyme poison and potent inhibitor of many enzyme systems. His research, together with that of others in the Nobel Institute, had much to do with the unanimous ruling of Sweden's Supreme Administrative Court, Dec. 1961, that fluoridation of water supplies was not permissible under the "Swedish Health Act." (See 23-1: "Fluoride Poisons Enzymes," by Harvey Petraborg, M.D., 9/6/64).

" ... We ought to go slowly. Everybody knows fluorine and fluorides are very poisonous substances and we use them in enzyme chemistry to poison enzymes, those vital agents in the body. That is the reason things are poisoned, because the enzymes are poisoned and that is why animals and plants die." (Dr. James B. Sumner, Director of Enzyme Chemistry, Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Cornell University; Nobel Prize winner for his work in field of enzyme chemistry.)

The standard medical protocol in England for treating children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) is enzyme therapy.

"Fluorine is known to be an enzymatic inhibitor and interferes with metabolism of the breakdown of glucose." (Dr. Paul H. Phillips, University of Wisconsin, Department of Biochemistry.)

"There is plenty of evidence to indicate that fluorine in the amount of 1 ppm or slightly more interferes with enzyme systems and these enzyme systems are involved in the growth of bones, in the functioning of nerve tissue and so forth. It is clear that fluoridation is a calculated risk." (Dr. Robert S. Harris, (Ph.D.), Director of Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.)

"From the chemical and biochemical point of view, a key finding came in 1981, when John Emsley showed that fluoride formed a strong hydrogen bond with the amide function. This certainly gives a very plausible explanation as to why this 'chemically inert' entity fluoride could cause biochemical harm. Indeed, interference with the H-bonding poses a threat to the very heart of biochemistry where so much of the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids is dependent on hydrogen bond making and breaking. This potential disruption of H-bonds would explain fluoride's inhibition of certain enzymes and possibly its interference with DNA repair mechanisms." (See 23-2: letter by Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, May 26. 1999).

" ... it is known as a scientific fact that fluoride is deadly poison to enzymes, upon which all life depends." (Dr. J.J. Rae, for 20 years professor of chemistry and Ph.D. in biochemistry and organics, University of Toronto.)

"As biochemists we are aware that fluorides are enzyme inhibitors. The burden of proof is upon the Public Health Service to prove that areas fluoridated for long periods show no evidence of a greater incidence of metabolic hypo-function than the non-fluoridated areas." (Dr. H.J. Goeckel, (Ph.D.), Biochemist.)

"It is now known that such vital organs as the kidneys, thyroid, aorta (main heart artery), liver, lungs and others can be the sites of an unusually high fluoride build-up. No matter how small the amount of fluoride in the diet, a part of it tends to accumulate in the body. When the water supply is fluoridated the intake of the individual is considerably increased and the accumulation in the body increases accordingly. There is no clear-cut pattern as to the degree of retention among individuals. Further, it accumulates in certain organs in an unpredictable way. Some individuals may store up to 100 times more fluoride in certain tissue than others. This has given rise to concern over fluoride's possible role in chronic disease. Fluoride is an enzyme poison and medical authorities recognize that disturbances of the enzyme system are a cause of disease." (Dr. Jonathan Forman, M.D., world-renowned specialist in allergy, Professor-Emeritus of Ohio State University, former editor of the Ohio State Medical Journal, editor of Clinical Physiology, in statement in behalf of Medical-Dental Committee on Evaluation of Fluoridation.)

"Fluorine and fluorides act as direct cellular poisons by interfering with calcium metabolism and enzyme mechanisms." (Handbook of Poisoning: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment, 11th Edition, 1983.)

"Fluoride is an enzyme poison, in the same class as cyanide, oxalate, or azide ... it is capable of a very wide variety of harmful effects, even at low doses." (James B. Patrick, Ph.D., Antibiotics research scientist.)

"Yes, fluoride is an (enzyme) inhibitor. You are right in the implication that when it comes to certain patients, it is important that they do not have fluoride in the water." (Dr. Harold Loe, National Institute of Dental Research, to a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, 1989.)


What are enzymes?

"The late Dr. Edward Howell, a physician and pioneer in enzyme research, called enzymes the "sparks of life." These energized protein molecules play a necessary role in virtually all of the biochemical activities that go on in the body. They are essential for digesting food, for stimlating the brain, for providing cellular energy, and for repairing all tissues, organs, and cells. Life as we know it could not exist without the action of enzymes, even in the presence of sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, water, and other nutrients.

In their primary role, enzymes are catalysts, the substances that accelerate and precipitate the hundreds of thousands of biochemical reactions in the body that control life's processes. If it were not for the catalytic action of enzymes, most of these reactions would take place far too slowly to sustain life. Enzymes are not consumed in the reactions they facilitate.

Each enzyme has a specific function in the body that no other enzyme can fulfill. The chemical shape of each enzyme is specialized so that it can initiate a reaction only in a certain substance, or in a group of closely realted chemical substances, and not in others. The substance on which an enzyme acts is called the substrate. Because there must be a different enzyme for every substrate, the body must produce a great number of different enzymes.

The Functions of Enzymes

Enzymes assist in practically all bodily functions. Digestive enzymes break down food particles for storage in the liver or muscles. This stored energy is later converted by other enzymes for use by the body wehn necessary. Iron is concentrated in the blood by the action of enzymes; other enzymes in the blood help the blood to coagulate in order to stop bleeding. Uricolytic enzymes catalyze the conversion of uric acid into urea. Respiratory enzymes facilitate the elimination of carbon dioxide from the lungs. Enzymes assist the kidneys, liver, colon, and skin in removing wastes and toxins from the body. Enzymes also utilize the nutrients ingested by the body to construct new muscle tissue, nerve cells, bone, skin, and glandular tissue. One enzyme can take dietary phosphorus and convert it into bone. Enzymes prompt the oxidation of glucose, which creates energy for the cells. Enzymes also protect the blood from dangerous waste materials by converting these substances to forms that are easily eliminated by the body. Indeed, the functions of enzymes are so many and so diverse that is would be impossible to name them all.

Enzymes are often divided into two groups: digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes.
Digestive enzymes are secreted along the gastrointestinal tract and break down foods, enabling the nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream for use in various bodily functions. There are three main catagories of digestive enzymes: amylase, protease, and lipase.

Amylase Enzymes: Amylase is found in saliva and in the pancreatic and intestinal juices and it breaks down carbohydrates. Different types of amylase break down specific types of sugars. For example, lactase breaks down milk Sugar (lactose), maltase breaks down malt Sugar (maltose), and sucrase breaks down cane and beet Sugar (sucrose).

Protease Enzymes: Protease is found in the stomach juices and also in the pancreatic and intestinal juices and it helps digest proteins.

Lipase Enzymes: Lipase is found in the stomach and pancreatic juices, and also present in fats in foods, and aids in fat digestion.

Metabolic enzymes are those enzymes that catalyze the various chemical reactions within the cells, such as energy production and detoxification. All of the body's organs, tissues, and cells are run by the metabolic enzymes. They are the workers that build the body from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Metabolic enzymes are found in the blood, organs, and tissues doing their specific work. Each body tissue has its own specific set of metabolic enzymes.

Two particularly important metabolic enzymes are superoxide dismutase (SOD) and its partner, catalase. SOD is an antioxidant that protects the cells by attacking a common free radical, superoxide."

"One important function of enzymes is the breakdown of older cells that have fulfilled their useful function and need to be recycled. This is a major process whose importance is commonly overlooked. Think about it, though. Would you rather your body be made up of older, less efficient and lethargic cells, or would you prefer to have a larger portion made up of younger, more efficient cells, producing your energy and performing their life functions? In which case do you think you would feel better and be more healthy? With which scenario do you think you could better withstand the attack of free radicals and old "Father Time"? Thanks to enzymes, virtually billions of cells are broken down each day and the proteins, lipids and other ingredients of which they were made are recycled and used to produce new, more active cells. Given that our age, or at least our relative vigor, is linked to whether our cells are efficient and alive or mere "deadwood," the importance of enzymes is clear. If adequate levels are not present, the body simply can't rid itself of the old and make room for new, more efficient cells."


this speaks to the importance of MAGNESIUM in the iodine protocol:

Fluoride is a potent enzyme poison. Enzymes are special types of proteins, known as catalysts, that trigger thousands of chemical reactions in the body. Enzymes are vital to our very existence, writes Dr. Anthony Cichoke: 'During every moment of our lives, enzymes keep us going. At this very instant, millions of tiny enzymes are working throughout your body causing reactions to take place. You couldn't breathe, hold or turn the pages of this book, read its words, eat a meal, taste the food, or hear a telephone ring without enzymes. Even minute doses of 1 ppm of fluoride could prevent essential biological reactions from taking place."(199)

While the mechanisms of enzyme destruction were not well understood in the 1940's and 50's, scientists now believe that it could be due to fluoride's interference with magnesium, a vital cofactor needed by many enzymes to perform catalytic functions. Another reason could be fluoride's ability to form strong bonds with hydogen. Hydrogen, a strongly positive element, binds easily with the strong negatively-charged fluoride. Dr. Paul Connett explains: "Hydrogen bonding is at the very heart and soul of biochemistry. Protein structure and function revolve around hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen gives shape, and that shape can be easily manipulated with little energy. Enzymes usually catalyze around hydrogen bonds. In addition, the two strands of DNA are held together with hydrogen bonds. So, you're striking at the very heart of biology. It's a huge red flag to be extremely careful about introducing fluoride to any living system.(200)"

While critics argue that only high doses cause such effects, studies suggest that even a supposedly "safe" concentration of 1 ppm of fluoride added to drinking water is able to interfere with critical biological functions. This was demonstrated in 1977 at Austria's Siebersdorf Research Center by Dr. W. Klein and colleagues, who found that even this low dose inhibited DNA repair enzyme activity by 50 percent and caused genetic and chromosome damage.(201) A similar study conducted at the University of Missouri confirmed these results.(202) Scientists at Poland's Pomeranian Medical Academy found that as little as 0.6 ppm of fluoride produced chromosomal damage to human white blood cells.(203)"


The late US fluoride critic George L Waldbott discovered that, besides teeth and bones, fluoride can damage soft tissue. According to his research, the small fluorine ion with a high charge density can penetrate every cell of the body and combine with other ions (GL Waldbott et al, Fluoride: The Great Dilemma, Lawrence, Kansas: Corenado Press, 1978: 148-74). It interferes with the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and the function of the parathyroid glands.

It has a strong affinity to calcium, but will also readily combine with magnesium and manganese ions and so can interfere with many enzyme systems that require these minerals. The interruption of these enzyme systems, in turn, may disturb carbohydrate metabolism, bone formation and muscle function. Indeed, every vital function in the body depends on enzymes; because fluoride easily reaches every organ, many diverse toxic symptoms can result.

Fluoride and enzymes

Enzyme systems react to fluoride in different ways; some are activated, others are inhibited. Lipase (essential for the digestion of fat) and phosphatases (needed to breakdown phosphates) are very sensitive to fluoride. In patients with skeletal fluorosis, succinate dehydrogenase activity is inhibited. In chronic fluoride poisoning, this diminished enzyme activity accounts for muscular weakness and even muscle wasting. Human salivary acid phosphatase is diminished by half when exposed to 3.8 ppm of fluoride. The blood enzyme cholinesterase is inhibited by 61 per cent on exposure to 0.95 ppm fluoride an amount within recommended levels adversely affecting functions of the nervous system (PA Smith, ed, Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1970: 48-97).

Alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme involved in bone growth and liver function, may also be affected by low level fluoride intake.

According to scientists from the University of California at San Diego, fluoride switches off the enzyme cytochrome C oxidase, an oxygen carrying respiratory enzyme; deficiencies of this vital enzyme have been linked to cancer, severe diseases and even cot death (J Biol Chem, 1984; 259: 12984-88).

It's also been shown by research at Kings College in London that fluoride forms very strong hydrogen bonds with amides, which are formed when amino acids join together to form a protein (J Am Chem Soc, 1981; 103: 24-8). This can cause chromosomal damage. If the protein is distorted, the body's immune system no longer recognises it, treats it as a foreign protein and will try to destroy it, which in turn triggers allergic skin or gastrointestinal reactions (J Yiamou-yannis, Fluoride: The Aging Factor, Delaware, Ohio: Health Action Press, 1993: 94-9).

Stomach and bowel disorders are the main features of fluoride intolerance. Even small amounts of fluoride can form hydrofluoric acid in the stomach to produce gastric pains, nausea and vomiting. Young children are particularly at risk. Fluoride tablets can even cause gastric haemorrhages; in one instance, a 9 year old boy sustained such damage that large parts of his stomach had to be removed (Fluoride, 1977; 10: 149-51).


I guess that my point here is that I do not believe that it is the iodine which is "causing" these ill effects. Is it possible that the iodine is displacing huge amounts of fluoride, and is it possible that these eliminative organs are damaged due to fluoride... ?

I think that it's wonderful that we have this iodine therapy to displace insidious fluoride. I also think that it's very sad that there are many of us whose bodily functions are so compromised by that which they're trying to excrete...

Organs of elimination need to be open and clear. And a lot of people should start slowly, build up. And we also need to look into ways of rebuilding these damaged systems....

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