Are there any stage 4 breast cancer cures? If you have survived please let me know how you did it. My mom will only try somthing that worked for someone with stage 4,that is where she is at. She is tired,worn out, and preparing to die. Please Help. Thank you.
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stage 4 cures by #102788 16 year
Robert Beck said he'd known of many stage 4 cancer cures using blood electrification and magnetic pulsing.
Here in Ecuador Dr. Dowling often receives stage 4 cancer patients ( and he has a high success rate. He acidifies tumors by using a DC Electrifier and high doses of vitamin C.
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Robert Beck said he'd known of many stage 4 cancer cures using blood electrification and magnetic pulsing.
Here in Ecuador Dr. Dowling often receives stage 4 cancer patients ( and he has a high success rate. He acidifies tumors by using a DC Electrifier and high doses of vitamin C.
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