Stomatitis in Cats - what helps?
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Stomatitis in cats by Iolite 15 year
First, you have to find the source of the problem, whether it is diet, a toxin that was inadvertently consumed or illness. Georges aloe is very soothing and tastless. Colloidal Silver is healing and tasteless. You might try those. The only time I had to deal with this problem was when my cat was in advanced stage kidney failure. By that time he was pretty sick and weak and not eating. It was probably from all the toxins building up in his body from nonfunctioning kidneys.
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All Iolite's Answers
First, you have to find the source of the problem, whether it is diet, a toxin that was inadvertently consumed or illness. Georges aloe is very soothing and tastless. Colloidal Silver is healing and tasteless. You might try those. The only time I had to deal with this problem was when my cat was in advanced stage kidney failure. By that time he was pretty sick and weak and not eating. It was probably from all the toxins building up in his body from nonfunctioning kidneys.
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