What practical differences are there between Lugols and Magnascent Iodines so far as benefits to the body??
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Differences between lugols and magnascent iodine by Iolite 15 year
Lugols has both potassium Iodide and iodine. Magnascent Iodine only has iodine. Lugols in 5% strength has 6.5mg total Iodine per drop and 2% has 3.5mg. 2% magnascent has 200mcg Iodine and is combined with alcohol. Lugols is water-based.
Magnascent has been "energized" with an electric current and is supposed to be more bioavailable.
Some report stronger affects with magnascent, but it's all anecdotal. No formal studies have been done to determine if magnascent can saturate the body as well as Lugols can.
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All Iolite's Answers
Lugols has both potassium Iodide and iodine. Magnascent Iodine only has iodine. Lugols in 5% strength has 6.5mg total Iodine per drop and 2% has 3.5mg. 2% magnascent has 200mcg Iodine and is combined with alcohol. Lugols is water-based.
Magnascent has been "energized" with an electric current and is supposed to be more bioavailable.
Some report stronger affects with magnascent, but it's all anecdotal. No formal studies have been done to determine if magnascent can saturate the body as well as Lugols can.
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