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What is the difference between Nascent and Detoxified Iodine?

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The difference between Nascent and Detoxified Iodine   by grzbear   18 year 0 of 2 (0%)

"Detoxified" Iodine is made by an interpretation of Cayce Reading 358-2. "Nascent" Iodine is made by an interpretation of Cayce Reading 358-1.

Anytime we are referencing a Cayce reading, it is important to keep in mind that Cayce Readings were given for specific individuals at specific times. It would make sense that formulation and dosing would vary from one individual to the next.

In addition, several products such as Magnascent and two different versions of Atomidine (that I know of at this time), one labeled as Atomidine, manufactured by Heritage the other labeled as Atomic Iodine by Baar, are on the market. To add to the confusion, there are more than a few manufacturers/sellers of iodine products using their own interpretations of the readings.
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