What is the Dosage for a 2% or a 5% Lugol's Solution?
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The Dosage for a 2% or a 5% Lugol's Solution by jcrows 18 year 3 of 3 (100%)
Note: this is one drop, not a dropperful.
You would have to take 2 1/2 vertical drops of the 2% solution to make 6.5mg.
5 vertical drops of the 2% should equal one tablet of Iodoral OR 2 DROPS OF THE 5% LUGOL'S.
CAPS my addition. _courtesy grzbear research, posted by jeff@jcrows
Viewed 33649 times
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Note: this is one drop, not a dropperful.
You would have to take 2 1/2 vertical drops of the 2% solution to make 6.5mg.
5 vertical drops of the 2% should equal one tablet of Iodoral OR 2 DROPS OF THE 5% LUGOL'S.
CAPS my addition. _courtesy grzbear research, posted by jeff@jcrows
Viewed 33649 times
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