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How many mg. iodine in a drop of 2% Lugol's solution?
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Mg. iodine in 2% Lugol's by PB3046 by wombat 18 year 2 of 3 (66%)
If my math is right, one vertical drop is 2.6mg. One horizontal drop would be twice that much, more or less. If you took 10 vertical drops, that would be 26 mg, 20 would be 52, etc.
One vertical drop of Lugol's is 6.5mg. The 2% Lugols is 2/5 of the strength of the 5% Lugols. 2/5 of 6.5 = 2.6.
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If my math is right, one vertical drop is 2.6mg. One horizontal drop would be twice that much, more or less. If you took 10 vertical drops, that would be 26 mg, 20 would be 52, etc.
One vertical drop of Lugol's is 6.5mg. The 2% Lugols is 2/5 of the strength of the 5% Lugols. 2/5 of 6.5 = 2.6.
Viewed 33487 times
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