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I have noticed that if I mix Lugol's iodine with Vitamin C powder that the color of the iodine disappears and also the taste of the iodine is neutralized. Does that also mean that the efficacy of the iodine is useless?
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Iodine reduced to iodide by wombat 18 year 2 of 3 (66%)
Let's go through the titration process with a specific example: the titration of vitamin C by iodine. The chemical name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid. When Iodine and ascorbic acid are combined in solution, a chemical reaction takes place. In this chemical reaction, the ascorbic acid molecule loses electrons, which are transferred to the Iodine molecule. Chemists call this type of reaction an oxidation/reduction reaction (or redox reaction for short). The ascorbic acid is oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid, and the Iodine is reduced to Iodide ions. Oxidation-reduction reactions always occur in pairs like this. The molecule that loses electrons is oxidized, and the molecule that accepts the electrons is reduced.
We need ioDINE AND ioDIDE:
from "Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It":
"It was thought that the intestinal tract could easily convert iodine to iodide, but research has shown this is not true. Different tissues of the body respond to different forms of iodine. The thyroid gland primarily utilizes ioDIDE....the breasts, on the other hand, primarily utilize ioDINE....
Because different tissues concentrate different forms of iodine, using a supplement that contains both iodine and Iodide is preferable to using a supplement that contains only one form, As mentioned above, the breasts concentrate iodine. The prostate gland concentrates iodine. The thyroid gland and the skin primarily concentrate iodide. Other tissues, including the kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, salivary glands and intestines can concentrate either form. With different tissues responding to different forms of iodine, it would make common sense that a greater therapeutic benefit from iodine will be achieved by using a COMBINATION OF IODINE AND IODIDE. My clinical experience has proven, beyond a doubt, that a combination of IODINE/IODIDE (e.g., Lugol's or Iodoral) is much more effective than an Iodide only supplement(e.g., SSKI and most other liquid iodide formulations)."
So, useless? No.
Viewed 74089 times
All wombat's Answers
Let's go through the titration process with a specific example: the titration of vitamin C by iodine. The chemical name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid. When Iodine and ascorbic acid are combined in solution, a chemical reaction takes place. In this chemical reaction, the ascorbic acid molecule loses electrons, which are transferred to the Iodine molecule. Chemists call this type of reaction an oxidation/reduction reaction (or redox reaction for short). The ascorbic acid is oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid, and the Iodine is reduced to Iodide ions. Oxidation-reduction reactions always occur in pairs like this. The molecule that loses electrons is oxidized, and the molecule that accepts the electrons is reduced.
We need ioDINE AND ioDIDE:
from "Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It":
"It was thought that the intestinal tract could easily convert iodine to iodide, but research has shown this is not true. Different tissues of the body respond to different forms of iodine. The thyroid gland primarily utilizes ioDIDE....the breasts, on the other hand, primarily utilize ioDINE....
Because different tissues concentrate different forms of iodine, using a supplement that contains both iodine and Iodide is preferable to using a supplement that contains only one form, As mentioned above, the breasts concentrate iodine. The prostate gland concentrates iodine. The thyroid gland and the skin primarily concentrate iodide. Other tissues, including the kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, salivary glands and intestines can concentrate either form. With different tissues responding to different forms of iodine, it would make common sense that a greater therapeutic benefit from iodine will be achieved by using a COMBINATION OF IODINE AND IODIDE. My clinical experience has proven, beyond a doubt, that a combination of IODINE/IODIDE (e.g., Lugol's or Iodoral) is much more effective than an Iodide only supplement(e.g., SSKI and most other liquid iodide formulations)."
So, useless? No.
Viewed 74089 times
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Can You Mix Iodine and Vitamin C? by ways2success 15 year 2 of 3 (66%)
Can you answer the question of whether adding vitamin C to Iodine renders vitamin C useless, since it loses its color and odor?
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Can you answer the question of whether adding vitamin C to Iodine renders vitamin C useless, since it loses its color and odor?
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