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Ive been on iodine for 8months now.....im on 25mg lugols.....and im haveing severe anxiety attacks and panic atacks and heart palpatations????? is that because i have too much iodine or am i detoxing?????? how do i check iodine stores?i dnt shower i only drink purfied water im a health nut
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listen to your body by rudenski 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
We are all like a car battery. We need a balance of water and chemicals for optimal health. If you get caught up in alternative health protocols and ignore heart palpitations then you may be going overboard on the iodine. If you do too much of anything it might harm you. I would slowly back off if I were you and see if it makes a difference. I am a die-hard user of apple cider vinegar but sometimes my body tells me to stop for a while. If your body went for decades without enough iodine,,, it may not need 25 drops a day... it may need 5... or even for you to back off completely for a while... If you are healthy wit 5 drops then stick with 5. Some of the most unhealthy people I know are health nuts. When you get to a place of good health, start backing off of everything and then find the minimum that you should be doing to keep your body healthy. Just because 25 drops is working for someone else does not mean it is what your body needs. Listen to your body. Your heart is telling you to change something... More is not always better... Your body has its own mechanisms for healing... let it...
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We are all like a car battery. We need a balance of water and chemicals for optimal health. If you get caught up in alternative health protocols and ignore heart palpitations then you may be going overboard on the iodine. If you do too much of anything it might harm you. I would slowly back off if I were you and see if it makes a difference. I am a die-hard user of apple cider vinegar but sometimes my body tells me to stop for a while. If your body went for decades without enough iodine,,, it may not need 25 drops a day... it may need 5... or even for you to back off completely for a while... If you are healthy wit 5 drops then stick with 5. Some of the most unhealthy people I know are health nuts. When you get to a place of good health, start backing off of everything and then find the minimum that you should be doing to keep your body healthy. Just because 25 drops is working for someone else does not mean it is what your body needs. Listen to your body. Your heart is telling you to change something... More is not always better... Your body has its own mechanisms for healing... let it...
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Iodine Testing by cougar 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
FFP Laboratories
80 Doctors Dr., Suite 3
Hendersonville, NC 28292
Phone: 887-900-5556 / Fax: 828-684-3253
Dr Jorge Flechas will also do a free follow up phone consult when you do a test with this lab.
this lab also can test for Fluoride as well as Bromide.
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FFP Laboratories
80 Doctors Dr., Suite 3
Hendersonville, NC 28292
Phone: 887-900-5556 / Fax: 828-684-3253
Dr Jorge Flechas will also do a free follow up phone consult when you do a test with this lab.
this lab also can test for Fluoride as well as Bromide.
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how do i check iodine stores? by Iolite 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
Hakala Labs has a 24hr Iodine loading test ($70) and a bromide test ($35). I would recommend you test your bromide levels at the same time. This will tell you if you're sufficiently iodinated and depending on your level of bromide excretion how much Iodine is actually getting to the Iodine receptors.
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Hakala Labs has a 24hr Iodine loading test ($70) and a bromide test ($35). I would recommend you test your bromide levels at the same time. This will tell you if you're sufficiently iodinated and depending on your level of bromide excretion how much Iodine is actually getting to the Iodine receptors.
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