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What's it good for and how is it applied?

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Iodine (iodide) use, benefits, application   by FocusOnHealth   11 year

Iodine (Iodide)

In foods there are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.

Iodine (Iodide) is a mineral that is or should be in our foods.

The most likely food sources are shellfish, seafood and kelp.

What is it good for? Iodine is a needed mineral in food, and the lack of it can lead to hypothyroidism.

What does it do? It helps form thyroid hormone which affects the body's production of energy (and mental and physical development).

Why is it an issue? Because:
1) Most of us don't eat shellfish, seafood and kelp on a regular basis.
2) Most of us do not get enough Iodine in our food.
3) In many areas of the country the soil is deficient in iodine.
4) Most of us tend toward hypothyroidism. The symptoms are low metabolism, lower energy levels, weight gain, chronic fatigue, and depression.
5) Most of us could use a little more Iodine in our thyroid glands and bodies.

What's the RDA? 50 mcg (infants), 100 mcg (adult males and females), 200 mcg (nursing mothers).

How is it applied or taken? It depends on the product you buy (for example in your health food store). If you get kelp tablets, then you take those tablets by mouth.


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