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Does iodine increase your appetite?

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Iodine, appetite, hypothyroidism, and weight loss   by FocusOnHealth   11 year 0 of 1 (0%)

Iodine deficiency in this country is uncommon, for Iodine is added to foods.

As to taking kelp or Iodine supplements, be careful because the response by your thyroid is unpredictable.

If in the unlikely event you live in a foreign country where the soil is Iodine deficient, and if you start taking iodine supplements all of a sudden... or if you start eating a lot of sushi and seaweed-containing products all of a sudden, then chances are you will be hyperthyroid for a few days. Which means your appetite will increase for a few days, and your metabolism will increase for a few days.

Due to the temporary hyperthyroidism, you may lose a pound or two, but you will gain it back in little or no time. However, you can't expect to lose 60 pounds in a few days.

Your 60-pound weight gain may be a symptom of hypothyroidism. However, it can also be due to wheat, CARB FOODS, junk foods, sugary foods, and soda pops.

I suggest you get your hormone levels checked. Ask for T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH, not just for TSH. Chances are you're borderline hypothyroid. However, please keep in mind there are lots of borderline hypothyroid people who can't get any thyroid med.

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Does iodine effect appetite?   by isis.reloaded   11 year 0 of 1 (0%)

To elaborate I began taking it 2 days ago and my appetite has been full blown. Im unsure if it will tide over later or if im lacking something.
Im pretty sure im on the verge of hypothyroidism. I gained 30 pounds very rapidly a few years back, then slowly the last year another 30. Despite a reasonable calorie intake and daily exercise most days off the week. Needless to say indulging in my never ending appetite is not beneficial. Any input is highly valued!!!!
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