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I have / once had / may have an eating disorder. Would a water fast help me?

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Water fasting and eating disorders (EDs) such as Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge eating etc.   by mouseclick   16 year 3 of 8 (37%)

There are many eating disorders. People mostly know of anorexia & bulimia, but there is also binge-eating disorder, compulsive overeating, & EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified).

If you have an eating disorder, or even if you had one before, it is said by people experienced in dealing with eating disorders that you should "not attempt a Water Fast or any other kind of fast. This is regardless of if you are overweight, a healthy size or underweight, no good can come of it."

Instead, visit the Curezone eating disorder Support Forums , or your doctor, psychologist or nutritionist, and seek support there.

If you are already fasting, it is absolutely critical that you stop and eat good healthy food with high nutritional content, and start refeeding slowly, as per guidelines. Failure to do so will result in an increase in weight, undernourishment and serious illness. Also excessive fasting can and will seriously harm you, or worse.

Anorexia / Bulimia Support

Bigorexia / Compulsive Overeating Support

If you are unsure if you have an eating disorder, try this questionnaire
or here is a Google search for other questionnaires
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