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How do I cteate a journal on this website to keep track of my progress?

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Create A Curezone Blog   by hopinso   16 year 3 of 3 (100%)

Create a personal Blog here on Curezone. Look under the Blogs column on the homepage. There is an option to create a blog at the top of the column. Click on the button and you will be guided on how to create your blog. You can write as often as you wish and will be able to edit it. This is an excellent way to record your progress and experiences and share with others. Ask questions on the Water Fasting forum for prompt replies.
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keep your own records   by #131100   14 year 3 of 3 (100%)

I do not know how to create a record of your fast on the website, but it is important to keep your own records. I, myself, start with a calendar and record my weight after I have wake up and pass water. I use a digital scale and go to my calendar on the refrigerator door and mark my weight.
Next I mark my mistakes or progress in short abbreviations I will understand because there is not much room in a block of the day on a calendar. In between I get a glass of water.
If you are doing it to lose weight you measure your waist each day. If you are doing it to reverse diabetes you record your blood Sugar levels. Your progress is your motivation.
I noticed myself that I am consumed with food, looking at it, recipes, and even cooking shows. I have read studies where people in worse situations out of their own control were forced into the same situation which you have made a commitment. I have read of Jesus, Mohammad, and Buddha fast and come to the conclusion that these people had a deeper meaning to fasting then I ever had.
Fasting is but a strength of will to see beyond physical temptation and master the mind over the bodies temptations.
You must accept that people make mistakes, but you will learn from your mistakes and attain the goal of mind over body within the mortal limits because we are only human.
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