Does Now Foods make quality supplements?
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now vitamins ..yea or nay by omniguy 19 year 2 of 3 (66%)
As a former health food store manager,I did not carry Now vitamins. I always thought they were too cheap. I don't like One a days or Centrums because of their low cost. How good can the raw materials be?
Yet then again Now has a beautiful production facility, and when you get down to it on somethings like Vit C...well ascorbic acid is ascorbic acid. I feel it really doesn't matter what source they come from. It still is ascorbic acid.
so is Now using a cheaper form of it? does it really matter?
I do feel like it does matter when their Coq10 is alot cheaper than anyones elses.
some people will buy anything that is cheap and wonder why they aren't reaping any benefits from their supplement therapy. So Now will always be a big player in the industry for that sector of the market
And they do have Dr. Balch on board.
hope this helps
Viewed 19779 times
All omniguy's Answers
As a former health food store manager,I did not carry Now vitamins. I always thought they were too cheap. I don't like One a days or Centrums because of their low cost. How good can the raw materials be?
Yet then again Now has a beautiful production facility, and when you get down to it on somethings like Vit C...well ascorbic acid is ascorbic acid. I feel it really doesn't matter what source they come from. It still is ascorbic acid.
so is Now using a cheaper form of it? does it really matter?
I do feel like it does matter when their Coq10 is alot cheaper than anyones elses.
some people will buy anything that is cheap and wonder why they aren't reaping any benefits from their supplement therapy. So Now will always be a big player in the industry for that sector of the market
And they do have Dr. Balch on board.
hope this helps
Viewed 19779 times
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Ascorbic Acid... by jkptrs 16 year 2 of 3 (66%)
On a bit of a side note...if you're choosing to take supplements/vitamins, you should make sure that you're choosing ones that are sourced from whole foods.
Vitamin C that's sourced from whole fruits is going to be much more bioavailable than Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) that's made in a lab. It's important to know what you're putting in your body - wouldn't you rather consume real fruits than a man-made extract?
If you're shopping around for nutritional supplements/vitamins, I would recommend the Naturally Nova Scotia brand (google them!). They make all of their natural health products from whole foods and they're also certified organic.
Viewed 18409 times
All jkptrs's Answers
On a bit of a side note...if you're choosing to take supplements/vitamins, you should make sure that you're choosing ones that are sourced from whole foods.
Vitamin C that's sourced from whole fruits is going to be much more bioavailable than Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) that's made in a lab. It's important to know what you're putting in your body - wouldn't you rather consume real fruits than a man-made extract?
If you're shopping around for nutritional supplements/vitamins, I would recommend the Naturally Nova Scotia brand (google them!). They make all of their natural health products from whole foods and they're also certified organic.
Viewed 18409 times
All jkptrs's Answers