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How to use H2O2 in a bath? How mucch peroxide to add ito the bath water?
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How Much H2O2 to use in the bath? by OxygenLynne 12 year 1 of 1 (100%)
It depends on what grade you have. There are about 15 different ones.
The usual ones they are available to the public are 3%, 17% and 35%.
All of these different grades are actually different strengths.
Also it is important to use the right amount because if you have the more expensive 35%, you could waste a lot of your product unnecessarily.
So what strength is yours and is it FGHP?
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It depends on what grade you have. There are about 15 different ones.
The usual ones they are available to the public are 3%, 17% and 35%.
All of these different grades are actually different strengths.
Also it is important to use the right amount because if you have the more expensive 35%, you could waste a lot of your product unnecessarily.
So what strength is yours and is it FGHP?
Viewed 10817 times
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One cup H2O2 to bath by dudera 18 year 2 of 6 (33%)
One cup food grade H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) to a bathtub soaking for one hour will kill yeast, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Viewed 24949 times
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One cup food grade H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) to a bathtub soaking for one hour will kill yeast, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Viewed 24949 times
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