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Can I and should I eat or drink before and after taking H2O2?
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To Eat/Drink or NOT to Eat/Drink after H2O2 by tallnubian11 12 year 1 of 1 (100%)
HELLO #148204,
To answer your question--
take H2O2- 1 hour BEFORE mealtime and 3 hours AFTER.
See the FULL BOOK(all 107 pages): One Minute Cure at http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_industryweapons33.htm#CHAPTER_FOUR_
It has ALL the steps in CHAPTER FOUR.
Part of it states:
"In addition to diluting hydrogen peroxide with chlorine-free (preferably distilled) water, it is important that you take it on an empty stomach. The best times are at least one(1) hour before mealtime and/or at least three(3) hours after mealtime. Hydrogen peroxide will react with food’s bacteria in your stomach, and the result is excess foaming, nausea and possibly vomiting. If you become nauseated at a certain dosage level, keep taking that dose for a few days until you feel comfortable."
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HELLO #148204,
To answer your question--
take H2O2- 1 hour BEFORE mealtime and 3 hours AFTER.
See the FULL BOOK(all 107 pages): One Minute Cure at http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_industryweapons33.htm#CHAPTER_FOUR_
It has ALL the steps in CHAPTER FOUR.
Part of it states:
"In addition to diluting hydrogen peroxide with chlorine-free (preferably distilled) water, it is important that you take it on an empty stomach. The best times are at least one(1) hour before mealtime and/or at least three(3) hours after mealtime. Hydrogen peroxide will react with food’s bacteria in your stomach, and the result is excess foaming, nausea and possibly vomiting. If you become nauseated at a certain dosage level, keep taking that dose for a few days until you feel comfortable."
Viewed 10373 times
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Eating/Drinking both Before/After Taking H2O2 by #148204 12 year 0 of 1 (0%)
The answer to your eat or drink, before and after question is no.
The reason I say this is because there are too many variables in your question. It is actually 6 questions and for safety's sake, the simple answer is no.
It sounds like you need some help. You might need someone who has already traveled the road you are on and can guide you.
I am on oxygen therapy but I am with Lynne. I paid $30 to join her consultation program for a year and she is there to answer all my questions. If there's something I need to know, I just pick up the phone and call her.
I think I know the answer to your question and I could tell you what I think I know and possibly get you hurt. Don't forget this may be only 35% H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) but it is also 35% ACID!!!
Ask OxygenLynne to help you. I found her on Twitter but I know she is also on FB and Google.
Please be careful, this is nothing to play around with.
Viewed 10393 times
All #148204's Answers
The answer to your eat or drink, before and after question is no.
The reason I say this is because there are too many variables in your question. It is actually 6 questions and for safety's sake, the simple answer is no.
It sounds like you need some help. You might need someone who has already traveled the road you are on and can guide you.
I am on oxygen therapy but I am with Lynne. I paid $30 to join her consultation program for a year and she is there to answer all my questions. If there's something I need to know, I just pick up the phone and call her.
I think I know the answer to your question and I could tell you what I think I know and possibly get you hurt. Don't forget this may be only 35% H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) but it is also 35% ACID!!!
Ask OxygenLynne to help you. I found her on Twitter but I know she is also on FB and Google.
Please be careful, this is nothing to play around with.
Viewed 10393 times
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