Home > Knowledge Base > Therapies and Remedies > Alternative Medicine > H2O2 = Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
I am currently taking jutrian Rx by guardian of eden and would like to know how many times a day to take it for the treatment of the herpes virus,genital? so far it was dormant but became active since taking the the regimen 2 times daily, I am up to 9 drops daily..
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JUTRIAN Rx by #195090 10 year
Get the book, 'The One Minute Cure." It will explain all about proper usage.
Also you should test your Jutrian Rx product. I placed mine in the freezer and the next day it was frozen.
Real 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is not supposed to freeze. It was most likely watered down. Not a true 35% product.
If your product freezes over, purchase from another seller.
Viewed 5435 times
All #195090's Answers
Get the book, 'The One Minute Cure." It will explain all about proper usage.
Also you should test your Jutrian Rx product. I placed mine in the freezer and the next day it was frozen.
Real 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is not supposed to freeze. It was most likely watered down. Not a true 35% product.
If your product freezes over, purchase from another seller.
Viewed 5435 times
All #195090's Answers