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Is MMS considered a cure for hepatitis c, and if so, what is the protocol and are there any testimonials?
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MMS for HCV by krazykat 13 year 1 of 1 (100%)
No, it is not a cure for HCV. I tried it and it didn't work. I tried everything and it didn't work. I finally had to do the treatment and wasted a lot of valuable time trying other things. In that time, I got worse. Just do the treatment if you have to. Don't mess with this disease.
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No, it is not a cure for HCV. I tried it and it didn't work. I tried everything and it didn't work. I finally had to do the treatment and wasted a lot of valuable time trying other things. In that time, I got worse. Just do the treatment if you have to. Don't mess with this disease.
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Standard protocol first, then do what is necessary. by #106581 16 year 2 of 5 (40%)
MMS is not considered to be a cure for anything. In fact, it can not be called a cure due to FDA guidelines, but is rather a solution that has found many uses by many different people. For your individual case, I would not stray from the standard protocol, which can be found at OrderMMS.com. Also, I would recommend downloading Jim Humble's book, the first part is available freely, and you will find a link on the website I mentioned earlier. The entire book and a DVD are available for purchase from that site also. I have used MMS for about 2 months and have my wife now using it, and a friend. We have all experienced many benefits that we attribute to its use. Once you have tried the standard protocol, and for whatever reason it does not help you, then you could raise the dosage above the 15 drop recommendation. Jim Humble, while considering that 15 drops is enough in most cases, recommends that you do whatever is necessary to help in your situation. Good luck to you, I hope you find that MMS is as beneficial to you as it has been for me.
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MMS is not considered to be a cure for anything. In fact, it can not be called a cure due to FDA guidelines, but is rather a solution that has found many uses by many different people. For your individual case, I would not stray from the standard protocol, which can be found at OrderMMS.com. Also, I would recommend downloading Jim Humble's book, the first part is available freely, and you will find a link on the website I mentioned earlier. The entire book and a DVD are available for purchase from that site also. I have used MMS for about 2 months and have my wife now using it, and a friend. We have all experienced many benefits that we attribute to its use. Once you have tried the standard protocol, and for whatever reason it does not help you, then you could raise the dosage above the 15 drop recommendation. Jim Humble, while considering that 15 drops is enough in most cases, recommends that you do whatever is necessary to help in your situation. Good luck to you, I hope you find that MMS is as beneficial to you as it has been for me.
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