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DISEASE STATES~ VIRUSES, PARASITES~ Can iodine therapy help?

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IODINE CURES ~ List of significant co-infections by Newport   by wombat   17 year


roundworms, tapeworms, threadworms, toxoplasmosis, giardia and amoebas,
clostridia, the herpes virus family, parvovirus B 19, active measles (in the
small intestine), leptospirosis, chronic strep infections and their mutations,
Babesia, Brucella, Ehrlichiosis, Bartonella, mycoplasma, Rickettsia,
Bartonella and a few others. Molds and fungi are always part of the picture.


This is the conclusion I am just coming to myself…

Limes, rickettsia, chlamydia, mycoplasma all lower the bodies available oxygen (cellular level) and therefore invite co-infections...

Here are some of my recent posts on this:

rickettsia, chlamydia, mycoplasma


Lyme Disease - A Biological Weapon?


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