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Will having 10 calories ruin my water fast?(It's a pill)

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Water fast   by FocusOnHealth   11 year

Your question is too vague and non-specific.
What kind of pill? What is the kind of pill that has 10 calories? Yes, it does make a difference where the calories come from. Is it mostly protein, fat, or carb? Your body is not a simple calorimeter!

By all means take "it" if, for example, you're suffering from high blood pressure. Yes, take it, if the doctor says you must take those little blue/yellow/pink pills, or you will likely die.

However, if you're pretty healthy, then yes of course you will ruin your fast and ruin a good thing. Please remember, when you're fasting, you're body is working feverishly to heal you. In the phase you're in right now, the last thing your body needs is some petty, meaningless, additional task that you force on your body.

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