Cleansed for 17 days but didn't seem to benefit as much as expected except for weight loss. Should I have cleansed longer?
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Best way to be cleansed and lose weight! by dexcarlos 13 year
Maybe you did not follow what's written on Peter Glickman's book, Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days. That's the best way to be cleansed and lose weight the fastest and safest way.
Viewed 12865 times
All dexcarlos's Answers
Maybe you did not follow what's written on Peter Glickman's book, Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days. That's the best way to be cleansed and lose weight the fastest and safest way.
Viewed 12865 times
All dexcarlos's Answers