What would be an ideal healthy diet for a female weight-training athlete?
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Look in the mirror by TKWW 10 year
There is no such thing as an ideal body weight. So many variables determine a person's weight that it requires a greater understanding than the simplistic tables hypothesized by insurance companies. Look in the mirror. If you look over or underweight, you probably are. If you a male, 6 foot tall, weigh 230 pounds, you could be over weight and have a 42 inch waist. Or, you could have a 35 inch waist and play college football. The same applies to females.
Viewed 1957 times
All TKWW's Answers
There is no such thing as an ideal body weight. So many variables determine a person's weight that it requires a greater understanding than the simplistic tables hypothesized by insurance companies. Look in the mirror. If you look over or underweight, you probably are. If you a male, 6 foot tall, weigh 230 pounds, you could be over weight and have a 42 inch waist. Or, you could have a 35 inch waist and play college football. The same applies to females.
Viewed 1957 times
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