Grandaughter, 4 months pregnant, has bad nausea and fatigue all day long. Can't keep food down. Recently helped her with kidney infection using LBM. Good stuff. Any ideas on her symptoms? What can she do?
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Grandaughter, 4 months pregnant, by RebeccaWorksFromHomeAskHerHow 17 year 0 of 1 (0%)
Sometimes pregnant women have morning sickness throughout their pregnancies. I know that is not what ANYONE wants to hear. I have had 4 pregnancies and it was different for each one. Lots of soda crackers and 7UP.
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Sometimes pregnant women have morning sickness throughout their pregnancies. I know that is not what ANYONE wants to hear. I have had 4 pregnancies and it was different for each one. Lots of soda crackers and 7UP.
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