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My 5 months old baby is not vaccinated. What are the alternatives to vaccination?

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Long time breastfeeding, healthy and sugar-free diet, healthy environment   by White Shark   18 year 2 of 2 (100%)

Many people think that if child is not vaccinated, child needs something special to survive. Most kids don't need anything special. All they need is natural environment, natural sunlight, clean air and natural diet.

Breastfeeding provides the most important protection against infectious diseases.

If you choose not to vaccinate your child, you MUST nurse your child for at least 1 year. Some people believe that nursing for up to 2 years is even better.

The only problem with long time nursing is a possibility for toot decay of upper teeth. Human milk has a lot of natural milk Sugar ... and some long term breastfed babies may develop caries earlier. Exposure to sunlight (vitamin D) is a natural way to prevent caries. Both mother and baby need some sunlight daily.

The first food child should eat may be introduced in 6th month. Bananas and other soft and not-too-acid fruit can be a good start. Nor mother, nor baby should consume any concentrated sweeteners (like Sugar or corn syrup).

Concentrated sweeteners like Sugar can drastically lower baby's immunity and can support opportunistic infections.

Mother's diet and health are very important. Both physical health and mental health.

It is thought that the protective components in human milk are directly responsible for reducing the incidence of many illnesses in infancy and childhood including acute diarrhoea, lower respiratory tract infections, and ear infections. In addition, there is evidence that breastfeeding protects against less common illnesses such as necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), bacterial meningitis, botulism, urinary tract infections and sudden infant death syndrome. In the longer term, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel disease and childhood lymphoma are also less common in children who were breastfed.

Why is breastfeeding important?

Breastfeeding is important for the health of babies because they have immature immune systems and breastmilk provides the baby with its mother's antibodies and other defense factors. Human milk provides many protective factors that can enhance the immune system of the newborn child against infection, offering the immediate protection of antibodies and cells involved in fighting infection, as well as growth factors that continue to develop the baby's own immunity.

The antibodies in breastmilk are important in the protection against infection because they are directed against bacteria, fungi, viruses and other antigenic substances to which the mother has been recently exposed. In addition, mother's milk contains lactoferrin that has an anti-inflammatory action; lysozyme that attacks the walls of certain bacteria; oligosaccharides (complex sugars) that prevent binding of toxic substances to the cells lining the airway and fats that have an antibacterial action. As well, breastmilk contains a number of specific factors that promote growth and maturation of the baby's immune system. Thus breastfeeding provides health benefits for all infants in ways that infant formula cannot.

Breastfeeding lowers the risk of some forms of childhood leukemia, researchers have recently discovered. The news comes after smaller studies found no significant evidence that breastfeeding protects against leukemia.

A team of researchers from the University of Minnesota Cancer Center reveal in a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that breastfed infants have up to a 30 percent lower risk of developing leukemia than bottle fed babies.

"We have long known of breastfeeding's health benefits in terms of protecting children from infection," said researcher Dr. Leslie L. Robison. "Now we have evidence to suggest its immune-stimulating effects may provide another significant advantage - protection against cancer."

The researchers studied 2,200 children with acute leukemia and another 2,400 children who served as a control group. Breastfeeding information was obtained through phone interviews with the children's mothers.

Results of the study showed infants that breastfed for at least one month had a 21 percent lower risk of developing leukemia. For infants who breastfed for six months or longer, the leukemia risk was reduced by up to 30 percent.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has long recommended breastfeeding as way of protecting infants from infection because breast milk contains substances that combat disease. Other recent studies have found that breastfed infants tested more than five IQ points higher than formula fed infants.

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Tell your Pediatrician you are waiting   by rudenski   18 year 1 of 1 (100%)

until your babies liver and brain are fully developed at around 2 years of age before you make a decision to vaccinate and then do the research.
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Do Not Vaccinate   by Yourreturn   17 year 1 of 1 (100%)


It is insane to vaccinate your child. Regardless of how you care for your child, vaccinations will depreciate their health.

See this free resource I made with reference links included about the hazards of vaccines.


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