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DETOX~ What determines what detox symptoms I may experience?

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DETOX AND ELIMINATION by pb3046   by wombat   17 year 1 of 1 (100%)


Most people associate elimination as normally done from the kidneys and bowels, as in urination and defecation. The major organs of purification are the kidneys and liver. However, when these organs are overburdened, we turn to secondary organs of elimination, such as the skin, lungs, joints, etc.

What kind of detox symptoms you get are due to the condition of your body, the organs of purification specifically, and your ability to keep the toxins eliminated.

Iodine is a clearing agent. It helps everything move along, just a little bit faster. If you are not prepared for the elimination that takes place, you may think the Iodine is causing the problem. In fact, it is the body trying to rid itself of toxins that is causing the problem.
Iodine must be managed, according to your detox symptoms. You may find it useful to take a longer break from iodine, cut down the dose, or just push through and keep on the same dose, even increasing it. That is a personal decision you must make, and an educated decision is much better than a guess.

What determines whether you will get pimples or the flu or other symptoms? If you have had lung problems in the past, or that is constitutionally a weak organ for you, you may get the flu, and eliminate through the lungs. If you have toxins in your eyes, you may have eye drainage. If your digestive system is overloaded, you may eliminate through the skin, with rashes or pimples. Obviously if you have severe, or longstanding problems, it will take you longer. Read all the information thoroughly and be prepared to understand what your body is telling you.


A healthy body struggles continually to purify itself of poisons that are inevitably produced while going about its business of digesting food, moving about, and repairing itself. The body is a marvelous creation, a carbon, oxygen combustion machine, constantly burning fuel, disposing of the waste products of combustion, and constantly rebuilding tissue by replacing worn out, dead cells with new, fresh ones. Every seven years virtually every cell in the body is replaced, some types of cells having a faster turnover rate than others, which means that over a seven year period several hundred pounds of dead cells must be digested (autolyzed) and eliminated. All by itself this would be a lot of waste disposal for the body to handle. Added to that waste load are numerous mild poisons created during proper digestion. And added to that can be an enormous burden of waste products created as the body's attempts to digest the indigestible, or those tasty items I've heard called "fun food." Add to that burden the ruinous effects of just plain overeating.

The waste products of digestion, of indigestion, of cellular breakdown and the general metabolism are all poisonous to one degree or another. Another word for this is toxic. If these toxins were allowed to remain and accumulate in the body, it would poison itself and die in agony. So the body has a processing system to eliminate toxins. And when that system does break down the body does die in agony, as from liver or kidney failure.

The organs of detoxification remove things from the body's system, but these two vital organs should not be confused with what hygienists call the secondary organs of elimination, such as the large intestine, lungs, bladder and the skin, because none of these other eliminatory organs are supposed to purify the body of toxins. But when the body is faced with toxemia, the secondary organs of elimination are frequently pressed into this duty and the consequences are the symptoms we call illness.

The lungs are supposed to eliminate only carbon dioxide gas; not self-generated toxic substances. The large intestine is supposed to pass only insoluble food solids (and some nasty stuff dumped into the small intestine by the liver). Skin eliminates in the form of sweat (which contains mineral salts) to cool the body, but the skin is not supposed to move toxins outside the system. But when toxins are flowed out through secondary organs of elimination these areas become inflamed, irritated,
weakened. The results can be skin irritations, sinusitis or a whole host of other "itises" depending on the area involved, bacterial or viral infections, asthma. When excess toxemia is deposited instead of eliminated, the results can be Arthritis if toxins are stored in joints, rheumatism if in muscle tissues, cysts and benign tumors. And if toxins weaken the body's immune response, cancer.

The liver and the kidneys, the two heroic organs of detoxification, are the most important ones; these jointly act as filters to purify the blood. Hygienists pay a lot of attention to these organs, the liver especially."


However the exact form the chain from irritation or malnutrition to enervation progresses, the ultimate result is an increased level of toxemia, placing an eliminatory burden on the liver and kidneys in excess of their ability. Eventually these organs begin to weaken. Decline of liver and/or kidney function threatens the stability and purity of blood chemistry. Rather than risk complete incapacitation or death from self-poisoning, the overloaded, toxic body, guided by its genetic predisposition and the nature of the toxins (what was eaten, in what state of stress), cleverly channels surplus toxins into its first line of defense--alternative or secondary elimination systems. Most non-life-threatening yet highly annoying disease conditions originate as secondary eliminations.

For example, the skin was designed to sweat, elimination of fluids. Toxemia is often pushed out the sweat glands and is recognized as an unpleasant Body Odor . A healthy, non-toxic body smells sweet and pleasant (like a newborn baby's body) even after exercise when it has been sweating heavily.

Other skin-like organs such as the sinus tissues, were designed to secrete small amounts of mucus for lubrication. The lungs eliminate used air and the tissues are lubricated with mucus-like secretions too. These secretions are types of eliminations, but are not intended for the elimination of toxins.

When toxins are discharged in mucus through tissues not designed to handle them, the tissues themselves become irritated, inflamed, weakened and thus much more subject to bacterial or viral infection. Despite this danger, not eliminating surplus toxins carries with it the greater penalty of serious disability or death. Because of this liability, the body, in its wisdom, initially chooses secondary elimination routes as far from vital tissues and organs as possible. Almost inevitably the skin or skin-like mucus membranes such as the sinuses, or lung tissues become the first line of defense."


" Other symptoms may also arise as the body naturally attempts to eliminate this accumulated toxicity by any mean necessary. Most people are born with an inherited constitutional weakness in a particular organ system. Following the path of "least resistance," the body uses these areas first to push out the toxicity in the form of inflammation or discharges. When the organs of elimination such as the liver, kidneys and intestinal tract are overburdened, these secondary organs of elimination are called upon. For example in a person with Psoriasis or eczema, the skin becomes that secondary organ of elimination. In the case of asthma or bronchitis it maybe the lungs, or the joints in a person with arthritis. Regardless of the name of the disease, the process is essentially the same.

Symptoms are just your body’s way of trying to restore balance to a system that is overburdened and needs to eliminate. It’s when we suppress these attempts by the body to eliminate, in the form of anti-inflammatory drugs, Antibiotics , antihistamines, etc. that we cause the body to stop reacting to the toxic burden. The body eventually stops trying to push out the toxicity and starts storing it within our cells leading to tissue damage and eventually chronic, destructive health problems like cancer and autoimmune disease."

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