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My son has Grave's disease and I was crushing up Iodoral pills and putting in smoothies. Although he is doing so much better, he hated the taste! I am now giving him Lugols in orange juice and he is drinking it but I am now being told by a knowledgeable doctor that the Vitamin C in O.J. will reduce it down to Iodide. Is this a problem and should I be putting this in something else? I also noticed that the Lugols tastes better in O.J. because of this change that takes place as I have tried it in other juices. Thanks bedette

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Vitamin C converts iodine to iodiDe.   by cheapo   13 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Hi bedette. I hope your son is doing well. I can't find the link now, but I remember reading on this forum that vitamin C changes Iodine to iodiDe. While it won't be harmful to add vitamin C to iodine, it sounds like defeats the purpose of supplementing with iodoral. I'm just beginning to learn about Iodine supplementation, so don't what I said as gospel. Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable will chime in.

PS...this isn't the link I was looking for, but it notes the chemical reaction of Iodine to Iodide when vitamin C is added:

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