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Is it best to break up long fasts with breaks of eating in between? What's a good combination - i.e. 7 days fasting, 3 days eating?

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Breaking a fast is more important than the fast!   by botev1921   12 year

7 day fast is not in any way "extended" and usually can be broken with 2-3 days of light veggie meals! Breaking a longer fast requires a very long and careful breaking. The most important part is quantity of the food you consume during the first 3 days. If you break a fast with a gigantic meal, you risk serious stomach issues and even surgery. The general rule is to break any fast with light veggies and fruits, slightly increasing the portions in the first 3 days. If the fast was indeed extended (beyond 14 days) it is wise to start with some shredded carrots and cucumbers. Do not consume anything cooked for at least 7 days, only yogurt is allowed sometime between day 5 and 7. Cheese can be introduced no earlier than day 10.
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