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I had experienced creepy crawling, leg tightening, burning, and itching sensations. Could this b RLS?
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RLS at a young age. by jla61 19 year 1 of 1 (100%)
Yes, I developed RLS in my late teens. For more info on it check out http://www.rls.org as well as all the info on this site. It usually comes on as a person gets older but I agree with one of the other person's here that with all the chemicals we have in our food I'm not suprised to hear of someone at your age with it.
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Yes, I developed RLS in my late teens. For more info on it check out http://www.rls.org as well as all the info on this site. It usually comes on as a person gets older but I agree with one of the other person's here that with all the chemicals we have in our food I'm not suprised to hear of someone at your age with it.
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yes it can by 2dreem 19 year 1 of 1 (100%)
yes this could be rls. it can happen to anyone at any age. try this simple yoga posture before bed or when you notice symptoms. lie down on a hard flat surface and put your legs up on a wall. keep them straight while you breathe and relax. hold this for at least 5 minutes. for many people this has been the cure. in addition stop eating or cut back on processed foods and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, this helps any condition. if this doesnt help you may want to talk to your parents about seeing a chiropractor. all of these combined cured my brother when he had it at 11 years old. mineral supplements can help as well. hope this helps
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yes this could be rls. it can happen to anyone at any age. try this simple yoga posture before bed or when you notice symptoms. lie down on a hard flat surface and put your legs up on a wall. keep them straight while you breathe and relax. hold this for at least 5 minutes. for many people this has been the cure. in addition stop eating or cut back on processed foods and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, this helps any condition. if this doesnt help you may want to talk to your parents about seeing a chiropractor. all of these combined cured my brother when he had it at 11 years old. mineral supplements can help as well. hope this helps
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RLS = impeded Circulation by MSparks 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
In my research as a nurse, I have deduced that RLS is a circulation problem. I recommend journalizing when the incidents occur. Most often it is when you lie down, or relaxing after a meal or if you are cold. Blood flow acts on gravity or when blood is needed to assist digestion or sympathetically to warm the body's inner core organs, hence it moves away from the peripherals (legs). I believe this concept is the same with Reynaud's Stndrome (extremely cold hands). The medications out there for this frankly are "shots in the dark" and aren't worth the side effects. Improve circulation with a warm bath, daily exercise and supplement with Rutin (studies have shown over 18 months over Rutin, improvement in circulation is noted). Stop smoking if you do. Smoking constricts the blood vessels preventing blood flow. Don't confuse RLS with with Nocturnal Clonus. People with lower back injuries or sublixations of the spine may have nerve impingement or excessive scar tissue from surgery that may cause this. A good B Complex rich in B6 and B12 as well as Cal-Mag before bed is also essential. Improving circulation through exercise is paramount.
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In my research as a nurse, I have deduced that RLS is a circulation problem. I recommend journalizing when the incidents occur. Most often it is when you lie down, or relaxing after a meal or if you are cold. Blood flow acts on gravity or when blood is needed to assist digestion or sympathetically to warm the body's inner core organs, hence it moves away from the peripherals (legs). I believe this concept is the same with Reynaud's Stndrome (extremely cold hands). The medications out there for this frankly are "shots in the dark" and aren't worth the side effects. Improve circulation with a warm bath, daily exercise and supplement with Rutin (studies have shown over 18 months over Rutin, improvement in circulation is noted). Stop smoking if you do. Smoking constricts the blood vessels preventing blood flow. Don't confuse RLS with with Nocturnal Clonus. People with lower back injuries or sublixations of the spine may have nerve impingement or excessive scar tissue from surgery that may cause this. A good B Complex rich in B6 and B12 as well as Cal-Mag before bed is also essential. Improving circulation through exercise is paramount.
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Could this be RLS. by #132289 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
It could very well be RLS, as I have RLS and get those symptoms without my medication.
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It could very well be RLS, as I have RLS and get those symptoms without my medication.
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