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Home > Knowledge Base > Nutrition > Supplements and Products > Iodine

I have had a goitre for many years, as well as a low platelet count, and low iodine levels. No-one in the medical profession seems bothered, but I am extremely tired at the moment, feel really low and tearful, have very sore breasts once a month which is worse than ever before in my life. I don't know what to do anymore, and didn't even realise there were other iodine supplements. I'm scared of just trying something on my own without medical advice, but I'm fed up of being so exhausted. Please help me, where can I start?

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Iodine supplements, medical advice, and being exhausted   by FocusOnHealth   12 year

Hello Dear,

Chances are you're Iodine deficient. And if I was Iodine deficient, I would:

Step 1: Go to a health food store.

Step 2: Get some Iodine tablets.

Step 3: Start taking it.
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