I eat sushi and tinned red salmon every day for lunch-Why am i "markedly iodine deficient"?
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halides like bromide and fluoride. by Iolite 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
There's this problem with bromide and fluoride in our environment taking up residence in our Iodine receptors. Dr. Brownstein surmises that we need a minimum of 50mg of Iodine daily just to keep pace with the halide assault of bromides. Sometimes the Iodine receptors need extra help to capture the iodine you're giving them. That's where the ATP cofactors come in niacin and riboflavin. Optimox sells both ATP cofactors and iodoral a good iodine product in convenient tablet form.
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There's this problem with bromide and fluoride in our environment taking up residence in our Iodine receptors. Dr. Brownstein surmises that we need a minimum of 50mg of Iodine daily just to keep pace with the halide assault of bromides. Sometimes the Iodine receptors need extra help to capture the iodine you're giving them. That's where the ATP cofactors come in niacin and riboflavin. Optimox sells both ATP cofactors and iodoral a good iodine product in convenient tablet form.
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aren't we all? by karma1485 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
probably because you need to supplement with Iodine ;)
don't feel bad, I eat sushi quite often and am also deficient. I just started supplementing with Iodine today and cant wait to be at a healthy level.
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probably because you need to supplement with Iodine ;)
don't feel bad, I eat sushi quite often and am also deficient. I just started supplementing with Iodine today and cant wait to be at a healthy level.
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