Using products topically during water fast
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Do not use anything on your skin during a water fast by #7 8 year
Please do not use anything on your skin during a water fast.
Avoid using even toothpaste, shampoos, soaps, deodorants, perfumes, moisturizers, etc.
Do not use anything on your skin, at least avoid using anything you can live without.
Wash your clothes with clean water, avoid using detergents when washing clothes you will be wearing during your water fast.
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Please do not use anything on your skin during a water fast.
Avoid using even toothpaste, shampoos, soaps, deodorants, perfumes, moisturizers, etc.
Do not use anything on your skin, at least avoid using anything you can live without.
Wash your clothes with clean water, avoid using detergents when washing clothes you will be wearing during your water fast.
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