If stones passed during the liver flush are not gallstones, what are they then?
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Composition of stones passed during the liver flush ... by #22 17 year
Stones passed during the Liver Flush are most likely hardened bile.
When a large amount of bile enters intestines and gets in touch with other digestive juices, it may harden creating those green or tan or white or black stones. Stone color will depend upon the color of bile.
Those larger stones composed of bile may also contain smaller Gallstones embedded(smaller stones may be from microscopic size stones to gravel).
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Stones passed during the Liver Flush are most likely hardened bile.
When a large amount of bile enters intestines and gets in touch with other digestive juices, it may harden creating those green or tan or white or black stones. Stone color will depend upon the color of bile.
Those larger stones composed of bile may also contain smaller Gallstones embedded(smaller stones may be from microscopic size stones to gravel).
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