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What is Cholangitis?

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Cholangitis is an infection of the biliary tract   by #56153   19 year

Cholangitis is an infection of the biliary tract with the potential to cause significant morbidity and mortality.

Jean M. Charcot recognized this illness in 1877 when he described a triad of fever, jaundice, and right upper quadrant pain. In 1959, Reynolds and Dargon described a more severe form of the illness that included the additional components of septic shock and mental confusion, which is referred to as Reynolds pentad.

Pathophysiology: Historically, choledocholithiasis was the most common cause of biliary tract obstruction resulting in Cholangitis . Over the past 20 years, biliary tract manipulations/interventions and stents have reportedly become more common causes of Cholangitis . Hepatobiliary malignancies are a less common cause of biliary tract obstruction and subsequent bile contamination.

Mortality/Morbidity: The condition has significant potential for mortality and morbidity, especially if untreated. Reported mortality rates vary from 13-88%.

Race: Cholangitis is reported in all races. One variant, Asian cholangitis (also referred to as recurrent pyogenic cholangitis), is observed with increased frequency in Southeast Asia.

Sex: The condition is reported in both females and males and has no clear predominance in either.

Age: The condition mostly occurs in adults, with a reported median age at onset of 50-60 years.

History: A history of choledocholithiasis or recent biliary tract manipulation associated with fever, abdominal (right upper quadrant) pain, and jaundice (the Charcot triad) is highly suggestive of cholangitis. Fever reportedly occurs in nearly 95% of patients with cholangitis. Approximately 90% of patients have right upper quadrant tenderness, and 80% have jaundice.

Physical: Physical examination may reveal fever, icterus, jaundice, and abdominal pain.

Causes: Two main causes of cholangitis are biliary tract manipulation and common bile duct stones. Other possible causes of biliary tract obstruction that may lead to infection include strictures, tumors, choledochal/biliary cysts, or sump syndrome. Hepatolithiasis is also a possible cause of cholangitis and is observed more frequently in East Asia. More than 90% of patients with hepatolithiasis have calcium bilirubinate stones, also referred to as brown pigment stones.

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