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How does CFS relate to other similar illnesses such as fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivities, Gulf War syndrome, neurally mediated hypotension, Lyme disease, candida, etc.)?
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Possible link is chronic mercury poisoning from amalgam or fish ... by #56153 20 year 1 of 1 (100%)
Possible link could be chronic mercury poisoning from Amalgam or fish...
Another possible link could be vaccinations ...
Pesticides and food additives could also play an important role in some patients...
Lyme disease could also be a possible link ...
Possibilities are endless ...
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Possible link could be chronic mercury poisoning from Amalgam or fish...
Another possible link could be vaccinations ...
Pesticides and food additives could also play an important role in some patients...
Lyme disease could also be a possible link ...
Possibilities are endless ...
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Same Cause by alisaun 20 year 0 of 1 (0%)
All of these diseases have the same cause: An infectious agent such as Lyme disease and the common Lyme co-infections (Erlichia, Babesia, Bartonella) or possibly mycoplasma, HHV and a few others. This allows other opportunistic infections to come in, such as mononucleosis, candida overgrowth, strep, etc.
Since most doctors are not aware of this, people go undiagnosed. Even if a Lyme test it run, most likely it will show negative as none of the Lyme tests are reliable save one or two (i.e. Igenex Western Blot).
Viewed 16688 times
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All of these diseases have the same cause: An infectious agent such as Lyme disease and the common Lyme co-infections (Erlichia, Babesia, Bartonella) or possibly mycoplasma, HHV and a few others. This allows other opportunistic infections to come in, such as mononucleosis, candida overgrowth, strep, etc.
Since most doctors are not aware of this, people go undiagnosed. Even if a Lyme test it run, most likely it will show negative as none of the Lyme tests are reliable save one or two (i.e. Igenex Western Blot).
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