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What if I don't wake up at 8 a.m. everyday, can I still do a saliva test?
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Yes... by No Unicorns 15 year
Just spit in the vile for your a.m. reading and record the time (if it's 1 p.m., fine, if it's 5:46 p.m., no worries). Four hours later is your second reading, four hours after that is your third, and so on.
JUST BE SURE to let the company you bought the saliva test from know the different times when you send your viles back in for the results.
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Just spit in the vile for your a.m. reading and record the time (if it's 1 p.m., fine, if it's 5:46 p.m., no worries). Four hours later is your second reading, four hours after that is your third, and so on.
JUST BE SURE to let the company you bought the saliva test from know the different times when you send your viles back in for the results.
Viewed 5662 times
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