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What is a saliva test, and how will it indicate AF?
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Test tubes that provide absolute confirmation by No Unicorns 15 year 2 of 3 (66%)
Saliva tests can be ordered from various companies online. The AF sufferer spits four plastic tubes, at four different times of the day, to get an accurate reading of their cortisol pattern throughout the day.
Saliva tests are BETTER than blood tests for measuring someone's hormone levels because saliva is far more representative of hormones in the body's tissues, at the cellular level.
Saliva tests provide absolute confirmation of adrenal fatigue.
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Saliva tests can be ordered from various companies online. The AF sufferer spits four plastic tubes, at four different times of the day, to get an accurate reading of their cortisol pattern throughout the day.
Saliva tests are BETTER than blood tests for measuring someone's hormone levels because saliva is far more representative of hormones in the body's tissues, at the cellular level.
Saliva tests provide absolute confirmation of adrenal fatigue.
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